Win Your Cheating Husband Back for Christmas
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When you've just learned your husband is cheating, it's probably that your every thought is focused on how to win your cheating husband back for Christmas. It makes sense. No one wants this to be how their marriage ends. Unfortunately, this is exactly how many marriages end. So what can you do to change that and make sure you get your cheating husband back for Christmas this year?
Saving your marriage is a noble goal. Before you can save your marriage though you're going to have to find out what the real problem is. For some marriages, cheating is a matter of opportunity. More often than not however, cheating is a sign of bigger problems to deal with. Here are a few of the common problems that lead men to cheat on their wives and what you can do to change the future of your marriage.
1) Lack of respect. Men need to be the King's of their castles. It's true. There is a deep down need for men to feel respected in their homes. When you were dating, you probably showed a lot of respect to the man who is now your husband. You laughed at his jokes, listened to every word he had to say, and went out of your way to show him how great you thought he was. Over time and years of marriage you began rolling your eyes at his corny jokes, you found his conversations far less interesting, and you stopped reminding him how much you respect him as a husband and a man. He needs those things on a level that even he can't explain but as far as he can tell you've changed and while he does still love you he's not very thrilled with these particular changes. That's why another woman who comes along and offers these things to him is more attractive to his bruised ego than this month's centrefold.
Share: 2) Loss of your admiration. This once again goes back to the you he fell in love with and the you he sees every day. Your husband wants you to admire him. He needs to believe that you think he's the most handsome man on the planet and that you love him just as he is. He doesn't feel admired by him when you ask him for the fiftieth time to go and paint the garage, pick up his tools, or put down his video game and help you clean the house. He feels nagged. Find a new way to communicate with him that doesn't leave him feeling harassed or as though you're pointing out his flaws and you'll both be happier with the results.
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