Why your website cannot go wrong with a good online press release
Why your website cannot go wrong with a good online press release
A press release is an official media statement or account of a news story that is specifically prepared and submitted to print and electronic media for the benefit of the public. An online press release is a particularly powerful tool for an internet business for the following reasons:
It is no longer a secret that print media is fast losing ground as a mass market news source to the internet. Consumers are no longer buying print newspapers as often as the used to and this has seen decades-old mainstream media organizations either shift from print to electronic news or fold up. Some research reports have shown up to seventy-five percent of internet users prefer to read their news from the web.
There are multiple reasons for this shift including the convenience and low cost of accessing news that the internet affords readers. An online press release also has a larger audience than the conventional newspaper. It can be read by persons anywhere in the world as long as they have access to the internet.
Ease of linkage to website When a press release (or even an advertisement) is placed in a newspaper, the best you can do is to provide your website address. Someone who wants to visit your site will have to write it down and check later, or go out of their way to look for a place where they can access to the internet. This is not so for an online press release. With an online press release, all the reader needs to do is click on the link to your website at the end of the release.
You can target your audience Even though the internet represents a 2-billion strong audience, you can target your press release. You can do this by placing the release on websites and forums that are frequented by persons within your target market. Targeting can also be achieved through keyword optimization where you incorporate particular keywords within the press release to ensure it appears among the first results in major search engines.
Tracking Online press releases can be tracked for traffic. Unlike print media where someone buying a newspaper does not necessarily mean they have seen your press release, an online press release allows you to maintain a statistical count on the number of views. This can allow you see how effective the press release was and makes it easier to compare it with press releases on other websites.
Can spread faster A viral' press release can spread quickly on the internet and as readers share the link on social networking sites, blogs and even email.