Why should Man transcend his physical dimension to the metaphysical one?

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Why should Man transcend his physical dimension to the metaphysical one?
We cannot live as vegetables. But dome of us are. If we do, then we are vegetables, that isplanted in the soil, grow to their proper size, yield their produce and then perish. Vegetables, like ourselves, they are submitted to conditions of life survival and a life-cycle. They are forced into this existence and forced to act in the way they do.
They have no options ad no choice to make. An apple tree remains an apple tree, if its structure and its function ad natural development and finality(the apple itself) is not meddled with and disrupted.
We share ourselves with the vegetable phenomena all its dimensions of presence, development, reaching adulthood and maturity, giving fruits of progeny as physical finalities, then decline and perish at the wall of death. In all these stages we have no say, no option and no choice. Everything runs as decided before hand. The way is indicated, the plan is set up, the program unfolds as precisely planned.
Who sets the plan? Who designs the features? Who controls atoms into its shape and form, structure and function? Who is the programmer? Who decides? No body knows, No one can tell; unless You do.
Our human shape and form, structure and function, movement and change are already decided. They are already programmed. They are already planned according to an exceptional order and harmony, beauty and capacity, exactitude and precision. Our presence, utterly enigmatic, is sustained and perpetuated by precise conditions of survival and maintenance. Our systems enables us to live in such conditions on our planet earth.
No one on earth can tell where we came from, why should we live and why should we spend a certain time and why should we die. Religion, being part and parcel of metaphysics which searches for reality and truth, gives hints and explanations. But the plausibility of these proclamations depend entirely on our own convictions, for no proof is provided.
Here, perhaps, we part company with vegetables. We are provided, in our program, with a mind, feelings and soul to discern. We are not only machines and robots of eating, drinking, making sex, surviving only for survival's sake. We are provided in our systems of how to think, how to imagine, how to conclude and observe, how to live.
We are curious by our very natural program, inborn impetus drives us to look into the universe, into ourselves and into everything that makes things what they are and then wonder and reflect, think and find out, imagine and conclude. We cannot evade this confrontation which is imposed on very individual of us, every person cannot escape but to think and conclude. We are humans and by our natural nature we look for explanations and answers for our universe, our existence and our purpose of being.
This process is the major part of our existence. We are equipped with everything for this purpose, a presence, a life cycle, a time to live, a brain to think, eyes to see and heart to feel. We come out of nothing and then return into nothing. But things around us confront us with thought and reflection, questioning and convictions.
We look for principles, real principles,for we are not vegetables. We look for real explanations for we are not vegetables. Maybe vegetable are more intelligent than us and have already found their reality as they did naturally find their way in life. But we are thinking humans. We are feeling humans. We are sensing humans. We need to know as part of our curiosity program, our natural program to quest for knowledge and real one at that.
For we are not to be bought by some or other views on the market. We are not subject to brain-washing although our lives are filled with it. We are thinking individuals and every one of us has and is capable to think for himself, or herself. We are equipped with minds and individual minds at that then why share with someone else our own mind? We come solo, we live solo and we think solo then we die solo.
No one other being human or otherwise shares with us this way nor our thinking. Every person of us is alone in his, or her, thoughts. Every one of us is alone in his, or her, life and death. Every one feels alone, suffers alone, senses alone. No other person shares with us our thoughts, our feelings, our experiences. Everyone is alone in this. Our body is alone and our brain lives alone in its cage., thinking and feeling alone independent of others.
Our thoughts are our own, as right and obligation as well as responsibility. We look into the universe alone and think alone and conclude alone. Our convictions are strictly individualistic. It belongs to us individually.
In this lies the freedom, the value and worth as well as self-respect of every human being. Who dares to take this from us. We should never forsake such an independence for others, for the society, for the group, for a party, for a state or for one single thought or the other. We are open as creatures to observe, think and understand and should never let others observe on our behalf, or think on our behalf, or feel on our behalf and above all conclude on our behalf. We should never let others think for us, particularly for our convictions. For wwhether a scientist, a man of common knowledge or a Gourou or a Buddha, they all are like us, share the same things, the same life then is obliged to eat and drink then obliged to dies and disintegrate.
Our thoughts and beliefs belong strictly to everyone of us, independently of the others. In our imposed journey we live and we die, others attempt to influence our thoughts but we are free to think and act as we wish according to our initiative and not that of others. If one of us confronts the universe and concludes a creator, a designer, then it is his right and freedom and independence to believe in such a creator.
If another man chooses not to believe confronting the same phenomenon then it is his right and responsibility to do so. In this lies the freedom and dignity as well as value of a human being.
But we are definitely not vegetables, although sharing many things with vegetables. But man has the brain to think and freedom to choose and act. It is fore possible that vegetables think, feel and sense and should not look at vegetables pejoratively. We are ourselves created creatures with life dimension. Humans have the task to think and make convictions. This is inevitable, inescapable. Maybe the strongest real meaning of life within us is this very purpose.
We, as humans, share with vegetables their existence but can and must transcend physical being to metaphysical being by thinking, feeling and concluding our personal convictions.
We seek reality.
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Why should Man transcend his physical dimension to the metaphysical one? Campo Grande