Why buy Netbook ?

Share: Because of their small size and portable nature
, netbooks get a lot of use while on the road or around the house either for business or pleasure. I find a netbook especially useful for the following:
v Checking and sending e-mail
v Browsing the Web
v Watching videos

Share: v Listening to music
Instant messaging and using Skype
v Working on word processing and spreadsheet documents when away from a primary computer
v Viewing digital photos
v Traveling (especially on airplanes, trains, and buses)
If your netbook uses Microsoft Windows as its operating system, it's compatible with all Windows programs with the exception of some games. Just keep in mind that processor-intensive programs (such as graphics applications) run slower due to the netbook's under-powered CPU. Also, a netbook's small screen can make life a little challenging for programs that expect more screen real estate.
Business sense
When it comes to business, productivity suites like Microsoft Office or the free, open-source OpenOffice are a must many netbooks come bundled with Microsoft Works, which is adequate for very basic word processing and spreadsheet work, but may not offer all of the features users come to expect for real business.
Aside from traditional productivity suites, it's worthwhile considering Web- based collections of programs such as Google Apps and Zoho. If there's a Net connection nearby, these Web programs have a number of benefits.
Fun and games
Of course, netbooks are great for work, but they're also great for play. All netbooks have sound cards that allow you to record (there's a microphone jack) and listen to music and words (through the speaker/headphone jack). In addition to the jacks, netbooks also have a built-in microphone and speaker. With some basic software, you can turn your netbook into an oversized MP3 player or a handy digital tape recorder for recording classroom lectures and meetings.Most netbooks are about the size of a portable DVD player. In addition to size, they also share the ability to play movies. Because netbooks don't have built-in DVD drives, you'll need to purchase an external drive that plugs into the netbook's USB port if you want to watch a movie on a disc. Another alternative is to use ripping software to convert the DVD movie into a file that can be played on a computer this is usually an AVI format file. If your net- book doesn't have an external DVD/CD-ROM drive, you can rip the movie on another computer and then transfer a copy to your netbook.
Many netbooks also have built-in webcams for recording video or streaming with video-conferencing programs.
If you're a computer gamer, you're probably wondering whether you can use your netbook to play some of your favorite games. The answer is yes, with a few caveats.

Share: Many Windows games load and run seamlessly on a Windows netbook for example, the ever-popular time-waster Solitaire. The exceptions are games that require lots of memory or a high-end graphics card. Most netbooks have pretty basic graphics chips that get bogged down or don't work well (or at all) when playing graphics-intensive, 3-D games. In addition, the relatively under-powered processor and limited amount of memory found in netbooks can also slow things down to a crawl.
If your favorite game requires a lot of graphics and CPU (also known as the processor chip or the central processing unit) power, don't hold your breath that it will work to your satisfaction on a netbook. Also, just because a game runs on a netbook doesn't necessarily mean you'll have fun playing it keep in mind the small screen and touchpad. That said, some new netbooks with faster graphics processors and more memory make better game machines than others. And there are active gaming communities on the Internet that provide a wealth of information on which games work on various models of netbooks and which don't.
Why buy Netbook ?
By: Alex
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