Why "Celebrity Gossip" Should Be Renamed

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Why "Celebrity Gossip" Should Be Renamed
While a celebrity is defined as a famous or well-known person', celebrity gossip certainly doesn't cover every famous or well known person. Instead, it focuses on the badly behaved and the worst aspects of people's characters. A headline on a gossip magazine rarely emphasises things like charity donations or famous people doing normal family stuff. Instead headlines typically focus on aspects such as infidelity, money troubles or drug taking.
While that's not to say this doesn't go on, it does seem somewhat strange that we see reams of news and magazine print about celebrities widely viewed as train wrecks', such as Kerry Katona. However there isn't equivalent print space given to well-behaved people in areas such as Nobel scientists or authors. People might hold up Jeffery Archer as an example of an author with a lot of press, but the majority of that revolved around his criminal activities and jail time.

Share: There's nothing wrong with celebrity gossip, but occasionally you have to wonder why people who've done nothing more than appear on a reality show get huge spreads about them, while people who are doing work that improves humanity's future are getting little to none. There is nothing wrong with enjoying celebrity gossip but it's like the popcorn of reading material, tasting great but with no nutritional value. Sometimes you just have to wonder why mediocrity is rewarded with attention while true greatness often passes unnoticed.
However, the reality is that it's very hard to gossip about well-behaved people, and there are those celebrities who thrive on the column inches that are devoted to them whether the coverage is positive or negative. In an ideal world, positive and negative stories would be equally appealing to readers, but we all know that's not the case. So what perhaps should happen is that celebrities which feature on gossip sites, magazines or newspapers should be given a completely separate name. Something that shows they're not just celebrities, they're gossip worthy celebs.
This would allow us to distinguish between the celebrities who have justifiable reasons for being celebrities such as authors, sportsmen and possibly actors and models. However, marrying one of those wouldn't ensure actual celebrity status and those people who are only famous for being famous, would be relegated to a whole different league. This would allow people who are interested in what their favourite sportsman achieved or their favourite author has produced to find that information. It would also allow those people who love traditional gossip to find that without having to wade through meaningless trivia that doesn't appeal to them.
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