Why You Shouldn't Grind Teeth
A lot of people grind teeth on different occasions of their lives
. This could indicate that it is really normal. It shouldn't be a cause for concern if it truly is only an occasional occurrence. If it happens frequently, gnashing could pose threats to your dental health. Night grinding in particular is more serious.
An individual who gnashes all the time often isn't fully aware of the act. This is even if he does this when he is fully awake. Obviously though, grinders are most unaware of the act when done at night because they may be deep in sleep. This is what can lead to problems. Teeth grinding can slowly ruin the teeth by wearing it down. Extreme grinding of teeth can also lead to receding gums. Furthermore, an individual with this issue may end up with throbbing head pains, facial discomfort, ear pain and TMJ problems.
Clearly, no one should take the condition lightly. If you don't act on the problem, you could end up suffering from intense pain and discomfort that could progress to serious complications that require more intensive solutions. It definitely isn't a pleasant idea to have to experience complex dental processes. Also, the sound of teeth grinding can become a major issue not just for you but for anyone else who shares a bed or room with you.
One problem with grinding teeth at night is that you may not be able to detect it unless a sleeping companion tells you about it. If you don't sleep with a person beside you, you may have to rely entirely on symptom detection. Keep in mind though that many of the symptoms of this particular condition can be mistaken for signs of some other medical problem.
The most appropriate way to check if you do grind your teeth is to have your teeth regularly checked. If you've unknowingly had the condition for a very long time, a good dentist will be able to see signs of wearing and chipping. These are the top indications that will point that you do grind teeth. If you have any other unexplained pain or discomfort symptoms, tell your dentist about it. These might confirm the initial suspicion of the condition.
There is more than one possible cause for the condition. You should pinpoint the exact cause of yours so that appropriate treatment can be identified. A common culprit is emotional pressure. For this, a specialist may recommend additional help from a behavioral therapist to address psychological issues.
A lot of other specialists say that gnashing is really a habit that's just not easy to put down. If it is indeed a habit, it might still be addressed best by behavioral solutions. A more affordable treatment option however is to use teeth grinding guards that can be used even at night.
You may not be able to completely stop grinding teeth at night with a guard. You can however prevent pain and damage. Guards can be purchased over the counter but it is more advantageous to use custom molded guards for a perfect and comfortable fit.
by: Mark Tennison
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