Why You Should Stop Teeth Grinding
Share: You may find it unusual that some people look for remedies to stop teeth grinding
. This condition is also known as bruxism and is a very valid health concern. It can be a problem affecting both children and adults. Although it isn't life threatening, it can lead to more complicated situations. This is why the problems should be addressed.
There are several different reasons for the condition. In some cases, it is simply a case of misalignment. Some conditions however are precipitated by stress, frustration and aggression. In a number of patients, the problem may surface even when they are asleep, making it difficult for them to stop it. It is this nocturnal session that is a cause for more concern.
The reason why bruxism needs to be addressed is because of the damage it can lead to. If you don't stop grinding teeth, you may end up with worn or chipped teeth. This isn't even the only complication that can happen. Grinding can also lead to headaches, facial discomfort, bite changes and jaw misalignment. Furthermore, your problems may not remain your own if you have sleeping companions. Anyone else sleeping in a room with you may find it difficult to get uninterrupted shut eye. Although snoring is perhaps more disturbing, grinding can also produce noises that can wake people around you. These complications taken together should be more than enough to convince sufferers to get help.
It should go without saying that the best person to ask assistance from is your dentist. An oral health expert will know how to stop teeth grinding and what can be done when damage has already been done. Often, using a guard would be a recommended part of the overall solution or treatment plan.
A guard can easily be bought over the counter. If you choose to do so however, you need to take extra care assessing your options. Most of these generic products also have generic sizes. Hence, there is a possibility that some models will not fit you in which case, the expected resolution will be incomplete.
If you want a better guard fit, your only option would be to go for a custom made one. Dentists can stop teeth grinding through custom protection. This is a good choice because dentists measure teeth before molding guards. Clearly, this is the best step to get the best and most relaxed fit.
A custom guard is also usually sturdier than those that are generally sold to the public. Because bruxism is a genuine concern, you need to make sure that you invest in the right solution that will last long. Depending on your preferences or needs, your dentist may recommend a double or single wall guard for morning or evening use. You might also be given the option to choose between plastic and rubber materials. In any case, what is most important is that you take action to resolve your dental issue and that you consult the best specialist in your area.
Make the decision to stop grinding teeth now. If you can't will yourself to stop it, march straight up to your dentist and ask for a guard.
by: Mark Tennison
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