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Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Sleep Position

Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Sleep Position

Most people sleep in the pose that feels best to them in the instant

. You no doubt have a couple preferred positions you prefer in order to fall asleep swiftly. You might be unaware that your position of sleep is even significant. Does it really make any difference? Yes!.

A normal person spends nearly 1/3 of our lifetime slumbering. Just as frequently repeated movements can injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, remaining in the same posture too much time could lead to injuries, as well, especially when this position goes against how a body is fashioned to be. Sleeping in a terrible pose might promote problems to ones body in as little as one night. Have you ever awakened with a stiff neck or back? Keep that up for days and weeks and you could develop long-term neck and back injuries.

Sleep Positions

Although there is overlap between these, there are basically three main postures of sleep. Any sleeping posture should be rated consistent with the support and correct alignment of the hips, neck and lower back.Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Sleep Position

Back Position

The person lies on their back, head facing directly up towards the ceiling. The back pose is a near perfect sleeping position. Keeping the spine and head in proper alignment is easy. The only concern is where to position the feet. If you have room underneath the covers the toes should point up to the ceiling, but often the feet will need to point at an angle outwards a tad. It's OK provided you don't do this too much.

Side Position

Lying on your side with both legs in a straight line, the head on its side lying on a pillow, and your arms in front of your body. This is also an excellent position for sleeping. Once again, the spine and head are able to be kept in proper alignment with ease. Your legs can be slightly bent at your knee and hip joints. Be careful to not bend far enough to go into a fetal posture where the back becomes in an arched position. This puts way too much stress on your back and neck.

Front Position

Lying on their stomach, or mostly on their stomach, with their head twisted to one side setting on the pillow. The arms can be downwards at the sides or they could be place up about and hugging the pillow. This is one of the most popular positions due to its being so restful. Nevertheless, it is a horrible pose for the lower back, but even more so the neck. In order to to breathe the head has to be turned sideways at a right angle from your front which puts a horrendous amount of pressure on the upper spine. You may also find it extra stress on the abdominal muscles.Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Sleep Position

Making a Change to your Sleeping Position

If you are largely a front-sleeper you should plan to work towards sleeping in a different position. It may be uncomfortable in the beginning but it should only take a few times to accustom yourself to it. And the advantages of altering to a better sleeping pose can pay off in big ways for the rest of your life!

You will probably need to establish a new posture over time. Make sure you are drowsy and almost asleep before you turn out the light. Begin on the back or side, whichever you find more restful. If you've prepped yourself properly youll fall right to sleep. Otherwise, try only alternating back and forth between these two for a while. If you are unable to get comfortable you may go back to the front posture again, briefly. It might take a few nights to get more comfortable with the side and back, but in due course you will do it.

by: Jerry Sandman
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Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Sleep Position