Why You Should Compare Contents Insurance And Not Just Home Insurance
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Do you need to compare contents insure? You may have just purchased a house or are renting and need to cover your items in case of burglary, fire, theft or other mishaps which may occur in a household. Many of these loses can occur at anytime, especially theft and fire. A fire could totally destroy your house and if you are uninsured then you could lose everything. So how do you go out getting contents insurance? Here are a few tips to help you get the best contents insurance: Contents Vs Home Insurance: It is important that you understand the difference between building or home insurance and contents insurance. Home or building insurance is for damage or loss to the building. This can include walls, room, floor, carpet, stumps and garages. The contents however are things such as a TV, couch, stereo system, fridge, jewellery and clothes. Most banks will require you to get building insurance, so if you have a mortgage then you are likely to have building insurance. So just double check with your insurance company or broker, if you haven't got contents insurance then you should get a quote and sum up whether you think the price is worth the risk. Home Security: Maximise the security of your home or premises. The most common claims for contents insurance is due to theft, so your first aim is to stop the robber from breaking in and entering your home. The cheapest way to do this is get locks for your gate, windows and doors. The gate is a main entry point and so by making it hard for potential robbers to actually enter your property. A strong fence and gate does this nicely. In many countries residents use broken glass and some use a guard dog. Whether you install locks or get a Rottweiler, make sure you tell your content insurance provider of all the things you are doing to help prevent a robbery. They consider this in high regard when they price up your policy. Contents Security: If your contents are secured properly then you will be able to get a better price on your contents insurance. When a robber enters your home, he usually goes for smallest and most expensive items. These include jewellery, small electronics and cash. By locking up your items you can help reduce the probability of loss, and that's what insurance is all about. You can get an electronic and fire proof safes for under $100 and the discount you get on your insurance may make the safe a smart investment - it might save you more money that it costs. So next time you need to compare contents insurance - use the above tips to help you get the best quote which has a good policy and a great price.
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