Why You Should Buy A 50cc Scooter

Share: Scooters are gaining popularity in recent years with their low running costs and small size
, being perfect for city travel. This is especially true of 50cc scooters. As an alternative to larger engined 125 scooters, the features of 50cc scooters include:
High manoeuvrability
Small size
Fuel efficiency

Share: Increased mileage over larger engines
City travel convenience
All these features make the scooter ideal for a hectic city life. Problems that are commonly associated with city travel in cars soon disappear with a scooter. Traffic congestion is no longer a problem, along with parking difficulties and narrow streets. A scooter can potentially be parked anywhere, eradicating the problem of searching city streets for countless hours looking for that elusive parking space. They can traverse narrow streets packed with parked cars with ease, avoiding potential scrapes and knocks, avoiding obstacles and gliding effortlessly through tight gaps.
Further advantages over car travel include increased fuel efficiency, with their light weight and small engines requiring less fuel per mile travelled. This in turn increases their range, allowing many miles to be travelled on one tank of petrol. Once you have finished your day of city travelling, a scooter can be stored extremely easily in the home, off street or in a small space within a garage.
Further savings
While the financial savings that can be had through lower petrol costs are a major plus point for the scooter, there are other benefits that will be kinder to your bank account when compared with owning a car. The initial outlay for purchasing a scooter is far lower than that of a small city car. Prices for 125 scooters are typically 75% lower than the equivalent city car being used for similar purposes, with 50cc scooters costing even less. Additionally, insurance and road tax costs are significantly lower than those for a car. Those having trouble passing their car driving test may also wish to consider scooter travel as a less complicated alternative.
Of course the main disadvantage of a scooter when compared with a car or motorbike is speed. Cars and motor bikes will always out-accelerate a scooter, with a higher top speed and increased torque. However, if the bulk of your travel occurs in a city environment, this advantage soon disappears, as there is very little chance that you will ever reach your top speed in such a congested environment. If speed is still an issue for you, upgrading from 50cc scooters to the faster 125 scooters will give you a significant improvement in speed.
While we have addressed issues of cost and convenience, we are yet to mention one of the major selling points for scooters; style. It's hard to argue the style and flair that a scooter exudes. With instantly recognisable retro 60's styling, popular today in the European style capitals of Paris, Rome and Milan. Disregarding cost and convenience, many agree that the scooter is the most stylish way to travel in today's busy, style-conscious society.
Visit for more info: http://www.petrolscooter.co.uk
by: Jayden Henry
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