Why To Get Free Online Auto Insurance Quotes

Share: Most people have an insurance company already
Most people have an insurance company already. If they've never been in an accident, or if they've received helpful service in the past, they're probably pretty content to just keep renewing their policy forever. Getting free online auto insurance quotes sounds like too much work, or doesn't even occur to them.
But insurance is a numbers game. And not just the numbers that it costs you, but the numbers of customers that the company needs to stay afloat. This means that there are some companies that can afford to or need to charge less even for the same amount of coverage. Your company won't tell you this, though-- you'll have to go looking.
This is where an online quote comes in. Pretty much every company has a website these days, and 99% of them offer free quotes online. But a few have a very helpful additional feature-- they offer free quotes from the competition, too. These websites can save you a lot of time, and you'll get to see how much you could really save if you considered changing companies. Maybe you'll even come across a good price from a company that you've always dismissed as too expensive.
In order to stave off the mass flux of customers whenever another company is cheaper than them, companies often have loyalty discounts. These are the amount off the sticker price that you get for every year, or three years, or five years, or whatever interval, that you've stayed with the one company. Make sure to calculate these into the prices, but often, they are not big enough to justify staying where you are.
If you have a new teenager driving or about to start driving, this is an especially great time to consider looking for a cheaper rate. Prices for insuring teenage drivers are astronomical, but some companies are a lot worse than others. Certain companies have more programs, such as good student and safety video discounts, than others do. And some are just plain cheaper, for no reason that a layperson can see.
Shopping around for free online auto insurance quotes is probably nobody's idea of a good time. But if it saves you a lot of money, which is certainly possible, you can consider it a productive workday. You spend an hour or two researching, and in turn, find a way to fund that vacation you didn't think you could afford.
by: Lance Thorington
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