Regardless of whether you are going on a short journey by train or a longer one that
will take several hours or more, it is always worth booking your travel tickets in advance. There are lots of reasons to do this, not least the fact that it is very convenient.
For starters you don't have to queue to get the tickets you want. Instead you just have to hop online and search for the train tickets you want. Once you have booked them you just need to pick them up from the station you are travelling from on the day.
This means that instead of joining the long queue of people usually waiting to get their tickets, you just have to go to the self service machine instead. This is where you normally collect your tickets from, which makes it much faster and easier to be on your way. If you have other people with you particularly if you are travelling with your children this is a much easier way to get hold of the tickets you want. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to see a huge queue and know you don't have to join it?
Booking online also makes it easier to find the best route to take. This is particularly useful if you are going to be travelling long distance, requiring you to switch trains en route. No matter which website you use to book your tickets with, they will all allow you to try different ways of getting from A to B. You may discover a different route that is going to be better for you.
Similarly you can also find out what times the trains are running. You can usually look at times either side of the one you first look up, making it easy to make slight adjustments to your journey before finally booking the tickets you want.
Perhaps the best benefit of all is the lower prices you will be able to take advantage of. You might be surprised at just how much lower they can be. Since it is also easier to look for different tickets and find cheaper options, you can save a lot of money by going online instead of going to the train station.
It obviously pays to be prepared and to book your tickets as far in advance as you can. Even booking a day or two in advance can make life a lot easier. When you book cheap train tickets online you can get on with focusing on everything else you need to think about for your journey. In fact there are so many plus points for booking your tickets in this way, you really wouldn't want to go back to doing it the old fashioned way at all.