Why Should Auto Insurance Be A Compulsory To All Motorists?

Share: In a democratic country like the United States of America
, freedom is one of the priced possessions. So long as the actions of every individual do not hurt others then this freedom can be enjoyed. However, when it comes to automobiles, this is not the case. The government of America requires all states to pass a law that would require all the automobile owners and operators to have insurance.
With the contention that an uninsured automobile is a threat to not only to the driver but to the other motorist, as well, the government sees it is as a necessity that operators and automobile owners should have insurance. Nevertheless, is mandatory auto insurance beneficial? In what way can car owners benefit from it?
One of the states that require who drive cars insurance is Texas. The car insurance law in Texas requires car owners to pay for the accidents that they may cause. As their way of following this law, car drivers or owners buy automobile liability insurance because it pays for the replacement or repair of the other driver's car and pay the third party's medical expenses when the driver is at fault in an accident.
Although the intention of state for requiring auto insurance is reasonable, but there are people who did not agree with this mandatory auto insurance because the policy of the insurance company does not apply to all. Let's take the automobile insurance liability, for example. This insurance, as we know, pays for the replacement and repair and medical expenses of the injured party. However, there are good drivers with no record of at-fault-accidents so how can they reap the benefits of the money that they spent on the insurance policy? Some people would prefer to spend their money for foods or their mortgage balance than waste it on insurance policy.
They knew that there is nothing wrong with buying insurance for your automobile, what is wrong is making it mandatory. Well, on the other hand, if the auto insurance will not be compulsory to all drivers, then what if one of these good drivers meet a road accident, and the one who is at fault is an uninsured motorist, do you think he or she can pay for all the damages incurred in the accident. Study reveals that most of these uninsured motorists are not multimillionaires who can afford to pay for all the expenses that the accident incurs.
Indeed, America is the land of the free, but attached to this freedom is the responsibility to take actions of whatever trouble a person runs into.
Copyright (c) 2011 savvycontent.com
by: Andrew Scherer
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