Why It (won't) Be Alright On The (sunday) Night......
It's a well known 'fact' about eBay - even people who don't sell on eBay know this 'fact'
. Tell anyone
you're selling on eBay and they'll tell you this one 'fact' - let's even try it now - repeat after me - "If you
want your auction to go for the most money, make sure it finishes on a _____________"
Did you say 'Sunday Night' ? Don't worry - most people would. Well, the reality is that there's at least a
50% chance you're wrong about this 'fact' and here's why.....
Wait ! I hear you cry - it's common sense to have your item finishing when most people are on eBay,
and that's Sunday evening. Now, if you're selling a mass appeal item that is certainly correct to an
extent, and if you're selling a 'niche' item (and that's about half of what's on eBay) probably totally
Let me explain myself, firstly saying that a lot of what sells on eBay is a mass appeal item such as a CD,
DVD, Console game etc, and the most amount of people are on eBay on Sunday night, but what
makes you think over 225m ebayers would only want a games console or a copy of U2's latest CD
between the hours of 7pm and 10pm on a Sunday ? Do they have no immediate wants or desires for
the other 6.75 days of the week ?
I know for a fact they do, at all other times during the week when there is less competition for their
So when is the best time to finish your auction ?
The answer is, I'm afraid, depends what you're selling. Let's use the same common sense mentioned
above to think about this - would a top for a 7 yr old girl sell better do you think, while the kids are at
school and the parent has a bit of peace and quiet - or on Sunday night around the kids bedtime
when it's school tomorrow and there's baths, dinner money and a million other things to sort out ?
Just put yourself in the position of whoever it is you're trying to sell your item to - when will they have
free time ? at what time during the month would they most likely to be willing to buy, and pay the
most money ?
When it comes down to it - the answer can only be found through a bit of research, and then give a
few finish times a try based on what you found out from that research. There are plenty of ways to do
this and I'll go into some of the techniques I use in my next article, and also why Tearpeak my not be
the best tool for finding this out.
The best time to sell your item may well be Sunday night, but I bet it almost certainly won't be.....
Did you know that 95% of all eBay sellers make a mistake that negatively affects the end price or saleability of their item each and every time they list something on eBay....?
by: Q Lawrence
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Why It (won't) Be Alright On The (sunday) Night...... Campo Grande