Why It Is Difficult To Make Money Online
Most people who try to make money online give up before achieving their dreams
. They think that making money online will be easy and come quickly, but it usually does not. In this article, we will look at the mindset that you need to have to succeed at making money online. First, let me introduce you to the irony of earning an income online. In todays fast paced world, everybody wants everything right away. And, where do people go when they want to find something right away? They go the Internet. Using that logic, we could reasonably conclude that the Internet is the place to go when you want to make money fast. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Earning an income online is slower than many off-line endeavors. You have no doubt read about ways to earn money fast online. We see many programs being offered that say things like, earn $4,000 a month right away. Do you know who ends up earning $4,000 a month? The person selling you the program. Thats who. The reason that it takes a lot of time to make money online is that it takes a lot of visitors to your website to earn money online. And, it takes a lot of time to get a lot of visitors to your website. Do you know what happens after you create a website? Nothing. Nothing happens. You have no visitors because nobody knows about your website. Unless you are someone or some company with a big name, nobody will visit your website after you create it. It is like the reverse Field of Dreams. In that movie, the constant refrain was, If you build it, they will come. With websites, the reality is just the reverse. If you build it, they wont come. Many stop right there. After building a great site and having no visitors, many people give up. Those that continue realize that you need to promote your website to attract visitors. The people who do this promotion are usually disappointed again. All this promotion and still nothing? they think. Well, this is because things take time to circulate around the Internet. These people often quit just when their efforts are taking root. The ones who succeed are the ones who have the stomach, and the financial reserves, to keep at it for a minimum of three years. Most people have neitherand this is why it is difficult for them to succeed making money online.
Why It Is Difficult To Make Money Online
By: Richard Tyler
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