Why It Is Best To Get A Valid Visa

Share: Yearly, countless of people line up in the embassies to get a hold of Australian visas
. However, almost the same number have risked life and limb to try their luck and enter the country through less than legal means. Though some did have a successful attempt, most ended up returning to their countries a failure and often in handcuffs.
So why does so many brave the odds and try to get into the country illegaly? For some, the most common reason is because it is easier to do so than having to line up and go through all the arduous process of getting a visa. All they have to do is to pay the right people and they can get entry to the country quickly.
However, even though this looks easy and promising, the reality of going to Australia this way will dawn on you once you arrived. Since you have entered without proper documents, you are consider a criminal. Thus, you will have to be on constant watch for authorities that might come and arrest you.
And because of your situation, you will soon find out that the better Australian life you are hoping for is slowly fading away. In fact, you wont be able to find even a decent house, as you aren't entitled to own property. Also work will be a problem for illegal immigrants as it will be very hard to come by. And if you do get one, you actually become prone to maltreatment and exploitation for fear of being exposed.
Being caught as an illegal immigrant is also not going to be a good experience. Those caught will have to spend several months in detention while their cases are being heard. And if found guilty, they are likely to be sent back to their countries and banned from entering Australia again. And for the unlucky ones who have entered through fraudalent means, they might also end up facing criminal charges in their home countries.
This bleak scenario can, in fact, be easily avoided by simply lining up and going to the so called arduous process. Even if this one takes you a few months to complete, this offers you a better chance of being able to start a new life in Australia. For one, it is much easier to find a job and a decent home if you have a valid visa. And you will have peace of mind and a better shot at permanent residency, since you are not worrying about being arrested. And you can also bring in your family with you without any worries.
These provide enough reason for you to get a valid Australian visa.
by: DexterNicholson
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