Why Foreclosures Happen by:Pete Binder
A combination of lenient lending policies, low interest rates
, and high house prices has created a situation where many people have overextended and unable to pay mortgage payments for high-priced homes they really couldn't afford.
The Mortgage Bankers Association of America says that home foreclosures are at an all-time high, with some areas experiencing increases in the number of foreclosures of over 300%. But the news isn't all bad. Especially for savvy investors and those who've been unable to fulfil the "American Dream" of home ownership because of high prices. Forclosures often sell for 50-75% of the value of the property.
Investors in particular are taking advantage of these savings, with many constantly searching for new properties and developing new techniques allowing them to find the best deals faster than their competitors. But with over 1 million residential property foreclosures at any given time in the United States, there's plenty of opportunity to realize substantial profits.
Legendary businessman Marshall Field once said "Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy" but the trick is, of course, to buy the right real estate. Becoming familiar with laws relating to foreclosures, as well as banking and real estate practices, is essential.
About the author
Pete Binder is the Webmaster of
ForeclosureLegal.com. See more of his work online at
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