Why Don't College Kids Start Internet Businesses? by:Jeff Schuman
There are plenty of people coming online every day looking for ways to make money
. Millions of people everyday Google search words such as home business, work at home, and make money on the Internet.
What is interesting is why college kids do not start Internet businesses more than they do. They certainly are more Internet oriented than older people.
However knowing your way around the Internet is not necessary when it comes to making money with an Internet business. So what might be some reasons why college kids don't start an online business of their own?
1. They are focused on getting a degree and starting a profession. This makes sense because after all they are going to college to get a degree. Share:
Many will go thousands of dollars into debt just to get a piece of paper that shows they are ready to go into the workplace. Others are not sure what they're majoring in and might even switch two or three times before they graduate.
However this is where the real focus is. Beyond socializing getting a piece of paper that shows they have a degree is more important than starting an Internet business.
2. They do not understand why they should. You really need to go out and work in the real world for a boss to appreciate what having your own business can do.
You need to get laid off or even get fired. You need to watch somebody else get a promotion that you feel you should have had.
You need to watch inflation increase at a pace faster than your income does. And you even need to start a family and become responsible for more bills. All of these are reasons that adults do start Internet businesses of their own where a college kid might not.
3. They do not think they have enough money. This is a valid point because for the most part college kids are always strapped for cash.
Many of them work part-time jobs delivering pizzas, or working at restaurants. Others pick up any kind of part-time work they can or work full-time in the summer and save as much money as possible.
What many college kids do not understand is how inexpensive it is to start an Internet business. You can start a network marketing business for under $100. You can start an affiliate marketing business for free!
4. They lack experience in business and life. Going out and working in the business world gives you exposure to how businesses run. Working any kind of job gives you an idea of how paychecks and benefits work.
Until you go through these experiences you are not really going to know what some of the benefits of having an Internet business of your own could be.
In summary these are a few reasons why college kids do not start Internet businesses of their own. Hopefully more of them will get involved with Internet marketing in the future.
About the author
Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money at home website for free JV With Jeff training, blog marketing, and starting your own make money online business. Visit it now to find one real way you can finally make money online!