Why Does It Make Sense To Choose A Professional Wedding Photographer In South Florida?
Technology has its own problems
Technology has its own problems. While the advent of photo editing software and digital cameras has made it easy for people to enhance a picture and correct inherent flaws, it has also led to the growth of amateur photographers. Theres nothing wrong per se with amateurs dabbling with the camera. After all the professional of today, was an amateur once. What hurts professionals and the industry in general is the attitude that anyone with a $2000 D-SLR, a little knowledge of PSD, and some free time to spare is enough to charge fees that are ideally collected by professionals.
Amateurs are often found assisting professionals as a second or third camera man. Sometimes they arent remunerated for their work, but are allowed to use the project as reference. Theres nothing wrong with this arrangement, but how much did they learn in the process? It takes years of hands-on experience to know about the right light sources, dealing with unfavorable light conditions, the correct angle etc. How much did the amateur learn in the process? More often than not, the main photographer is busy on the main area, while the amateur is focusing on minor aspects such as capturing the reaction of other guests when the bride enters, table arrangement, food etc. The best work is chosen and presented to the client, and also chosen by the amateur as reference to be shown to his prospective clients. Are these photographs sufficient to justify his/her talents, especially when the client shall be paying thousands of dollars?
That does not really mean that a West Palm wedding photographer ought to have obtained a degree in the field to qualify as a professional. Of course, s/he is educated, but that does not qualify him/her to charge the fees that are charged by professionals. A professional is one who gets paid for their work- educated or not!
There are many professionals who employ amateurs and guide them on the different aspects such as light adjustment, adapting to unfavorable conditions, paying attention to details, and even client handling. Such on-job trainings are paid for, though not very well. An amateur who has a passion for photography should be willing to intern with a professional Miami wedding photographer in order to learn the trade. On his part, the professional should make sure that the new comer is imparted training.
by: Jamie K Murrieta
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Why Does It Make Sense To Choose A Professional Wedding Photographer In South Florida? Vairano Patenora