Why Companies Should Opt For Local Online Listings

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With more than 1 billion local searches made every month, it is clear that there is a huge market that is looking for local merchants to buy from either online or offline. Therefore, it is important for businesses to have their websites found on top of search engine rankings. Conquering the top search engine positions is not an easy process and it may take some time. However, businesses that are looking for instant exposure to customers can use maps listings such as Google Places.
Getting a website to the top of local search results will depend on a number of factors. These include the age of the business domain name, number of backlinks to the whole domain and particular pages of the website, on-page optimization techniques that have been used, number of competing websites in the niche the business is in, how competitive the keywords are, among others. However, for search engine maps listings, these do not apply. Therefore, businesses can rank easily in maps listings than on natural search results.
For maximum exposure, businesses should also get listed on Yahoo and Bing maps. While Google is the largest search engine in terms of market share, a significant number of people also use Bing and Yahoo. Moreover, the competition on maps listings for these two sources may not be as tough as that on Google. Therefore, businesses should also think of Yahoo and Bing when they are considering implementing a local maps strategy. Most affordable SEO companies offer maps listings services across all the major search engines.
For best results, businesses should look for professional internet marketing companies that offer affordable SEO services. According to Comscore, 83 percent of people who perform local search show up at the company's offices or follow up with a phone call. Thus, both small and medium businesses as well as larger corporations need these services to reach these potential customers.
Getting listed on local maps online is a worthy investment for any business. Unlike advertising in the phone book or traditional mass media channels like TV and print where only the larger corporations can afford, local internet marketing is very affordable. In fact, it is the only avenue where the rules are the same for both large and small advertisers.
The key to having a working strategy implemented is to get a professional internet marketing company that offers affordable SEO services. Find out whether the company is experienced in places listings before deciding to work with them.
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