Why Buy Electric Car?

Share: Electric cars are increasingly becoming very popular
. Peoples concern over environment, fuel conservation and downfall in economies around the world. Major car brands are working to develop most efficient electric cars around the world. Some are already on roads with little disadvantages as compared to combustion engines. Price is very high, charging is a bit of problem but most countries and governments are supportive and provide subsidies and developing infrastructure.
If you are considering buying an new or used electric car, you should study about electric cars in order to make the right decision when buying one. Electric cars may cost you more money than conventional cars, but if you consider the gasoline prices that we have today as well as the economic conditions, going electric is one of the best ways to save money. Know how an expensive ELECTRIC CAR can be a big money saver in long run.
Benefits of electric cars
1. No petrol or diesel: Electric cars use an electric motor for propulsion, thus save all fuel charges.

Share: 2. No stop at gas station : No need to stop at the gas station ever again.
3. Shorter charging time: Latest batteries for electric cars are much more powerful, lighter, and fully charging is faster and easier.
4. Saves the environment: No emission so no air pollution, prevents global warming, conserve resources and reduces illness and diseases too.
5. Charge it at Home: Now electric car batteries can be charge by the home electric sockets too. So plug in any where any time.
6. Tax relaxation or subsidies: Most governments are supporting the use of Electric Cars.
7. Emotional Satisfaction: Doing something good for the Earth and our future generation gives great satisfaction and happiness.
Some of the models available on roads
The Honda EV Plus was the first EV in the United States to be sold with nickel-metal hydride batteries. This vehicle has a top speed of over 80 mph and can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 17.7 seconds.
Nissan Altra is a four-passenger vehicle. It is uniquely powered by lithium-ion batteries, allowing it to accelerate from 0 to 50 mph in less than 12 seconds, achieve a maximum speed of 75 mph and with a range of 120 miles on a full charge.
Toyota RAV4-EV
Toyota RAV4-EV can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in less than 17 seconds and has a top speed of 79 miles per hour. This combined with all of the standard features, makes this roomy EV perfect for sport utility fanatics everywhere.
Nissan LEAF
Nissan LEAF was named 2011 World Car of the Year at the New York International Auto Show, has a range of over 100 miles on a full charge claims Nissan, takes around 8 hours to recharge using 220-240V power supply and produces zero tailpipe emissions.
Now that you know quite a lot about Electric Cars just check the prices in the market and choose the best that suits your needs and budget.
by: Tatsuya Kaga
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