Why Are We Hesitant Towards Insurance Claims?

Share: Reason 1: The ignorance of rules
Reason 1: The ignorance of rules
It is not possible for us to be lawyer in each and every step of our life. It is a subject that one has to qualify and as a result, the not so qualified lesser beings like us many a time are being left in the dark. There is a law that the accident cannot be claimed if there is no hospitalization. You may see that there are some extra phrases written where it has been mentioned that provided the person attains such and such age, with these disabilities and with that working norms, it may be passable.
Your Liverpool solicitors know it, who adorns the legal system in the court room. Or worse, he may not be aware of the rules, who feel like digging into the fat books over this wary subject? It is not the latest Dan Brawn best seller after all and at the receiving end, you are standing helplessly.
Reason 2: The ignorance of laws
Be it the Liverpool or West Minister Abby, the same story is going on. If anyone met with an accident, it is really a pain to get the claims in a whisker. How to get the same? Have ever faced the trauma of car accident or the police intervention afterwards as if you are the person responsible for the culpable homicide? The same story is paving the way everywhere. The innocence and the law are strange bed fellows and yet they stay together. As your ignorance is no excuse, in the same manner, the excuse of the higher ups of your organization, responsible for the sorry state of yours, should be put under scanner as you suffer silently. Your lawyer should be aware of these facts as well.
Reason 3: Presuming the unknown facts
There are several medical claims, accident claims, and claims due to occupational hazard remains unpaid as the case they put up fails to stand on a solid ground. We can discuss one by law for instance. RIDDER or the act that deals with the reporting of dangerous occurrence emphatically states these facts that if any accident happens to appear which leads to the absence for more than three days, the authority is to report the injury to the health and safety executive at the earliest. At the same time, the claim settlement gets jeopardized if these loose threads cannot be attached. In case of hospitalization, amputation or death, the form F 2508 fill up is mandatory by the authorities. We are blissfully aware of these facts. Be it the accident claims Northampton or Brookline, the same story goes on.
by: Marvin Holland
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