Why Akron Auto Insurance Is Different, And Why It Is Not

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If Akron auto insurance is different, it is only because it is specifically sold to residents of Akron Ohio. This may be obvious to many, but there must certainly be many who are unaware that the needs of the driver in Akron are pretty much the same as the needs of drivers everywhere. Perhaps there are municipal ordinances that set this particular city apart from others when it comes to financial security. It does not seem to be the case. Although there may be some subtle differences in policies throughout the states, and even through different regions of Ohio itself, the requirements and prices for insurance are basically the same all over.
Such is the case with most products and services the whole world round. As human needs are the same no matter where you live, it stands to reason that the more necessary a product or service is, the more common the qualities of it is regardless of where it is being sought. Drinking water is drinking water, with very little variation, no matter where you get it. Tires are generally rubber skinned air doughnuts that fit fairly standard rim sizes, and follow a basic pattern of commonality no matter where you are.
It is when we get into nonessential items and services that we tend to find greater differences based on geographical locale. Before there was a legal requirement for liability insurance, Akron auto insurance had more variation from other cities' policies, simply due to geographical demands. Without regulated demand, the services were dependent on actual demand as generated by the market. When the government steps in and creates artificial demand, the competitive field stagnates, and individual policies give way to the homogenized standards that we have today.
This is perhaps a viable argument against standardized (or socialized) medical insurance. Perhaps the current regulatory climate is already creating too much stagnation, and thus removing the natural competitiveness that creates better products through innovation. When the market dictates the viability of a product or service based on its performance and the natural demand for said product or service, the differences in offered packages becomes evident and profound. In this way, it seems that democratic freedom of the marketplace has given way to homogenized blandness by the simple practice of making everyone obliged to purchase based upon regulation instead of desire.
With this view, we can see how Akron auto insurance has become a metaphor for ingenuity. In the past, Akron stood alone amongst the numerous and varied insurance climates in this great country--not to say better or worse, but unique, and suited to the specific needs of the market in Akron. Now, it stands in a field of like sized, like shaped blades of the same color, swaying back and forth in unison with all the other amber waves of grain. What was once beautiful in its individuality has now become a stadium wave of standardized testing and Wal-Mart mentality. Go ahead and buy it. Everyone else does.
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