Who Is Your Celebrity Look Alike?

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Who Is Your Celebrity Look Alike?
There are quite a few of Your Celebrity Look Alike Generator applications available on the internet to help you choose Your Celebrity Look Alike picture for Facebook look alike week, also known as Doppleganger Week on Facebook. What actually started Doppelganger Week on Facebook?
In order to take part on Facebook, users have to change their profile picture to a celebrity that they have been told they look like, but what if you don't know what celebrity you look like?
There are two really good Your Celebrity Look Alike Generator applications on the web:
Art-affairs.com is a celebrity look alike generator that you can download to your computer and it works really fast and costs nothing to use..
Picitup is another celebrity look alike generator but it seems they have some server or software issues that malfunctions more often than not.
There is always the option of asking your pals to find out who Your Celebrity Look Alike is.
This is probably a bit silly, but there is no doubt it is a lot of fun. With the Your Celebrity Look Alike Generator, hosted by art-affairs.com, you can upload your photo, and you are instantly matched up with celebrities who look like you. Naturally, in some cases you have to use your imagination somewhat. But that's the fun part, isn't itt? If you have some spare time and want to find out your celebrity look alike, just click the link below and upload any photograph and art-affairs.com will do the rest and show you which celebrities you or your friends look like. A perfect way to kill some time.
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