Who Else Wants To Find The Best Dentist For You And Your Family Near Plymouth Mn? Part V
Finding a good Dentist for you and your family begins with homework
, results in a visit to the Dentist's office for an examination. All the while it is crucial that you measure your comfort level with the new Dentist, that you understand the recommended work and payments. Don't forget to keep an eye on the future: How are you going to help me keep my teeth for a lifetime so they look good and feel good? Once you leave the office, think carefully about your experience. How do I know whether of not my visit to the Dentist was successful? If you're comfortable with your in-office experience, and you are satisfied with your experience over the next couple days, you just may have found yourself a Dentist for life!
(1) How are you going to help me keep my teeth for a lifetime so they look good and feel good?
Or, for those who have lost some of or all of their teeth, the most important question becomes: How are you going to help me regain lost appearance and function?
Good dental health is a lifetime need. Teeth don't heal themselves. If they did, no one would lose any teeth.
Every age has it's own special dental problems. As you live longer and work later in your life, your dental needs are unique.
First, talk about your past medical history and Dental history. Your Dentist should want to know your concerns and what is important to you about your teeth and your treatment.
Before committing yourself to a Dentist, identify all the procedure options that would solve your cosmetic dental concern. Ask about the pros and cons of each option.
Realize that the more complicated the dental procedure the more capable you want your Dentist to be. Root canal work, abscess of the tooth root and redoing a crown or bridge require more competence than a filling if you want a good result.
Good Dentists take a personal interest in patients and their health. They are prevention-oriented, not following fads. They use x-ray films and probably suggest a full-mouth study unless suitable films are available from the patient's previous Dentist.
A thorough dental examination includes inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of the cheek, palate, and the skin of the face and neck, plus feeling the neck for abnormal lymph nodes and enlargement of the thyroid gland. In adults, a periodontal probe should be inserted between the gums and teeth to detect abnormally large crevices. Good Dentists also chart their findings in detail.
(2) How do I know whether of not my visit to the Dentist was successful?
After leaving the Dentist's office, carefully observe yourself for the next several hours. Ask yourself the following questions:
- How does your bite feel?
- Is any of the Dental work irritating your gum?
- Does the treated tooth look like a tooth?
- Does Dental floss or your tongue catch on the tooth?
- Did the Dentist take time to polish your fillings?
- Do you feel pain when drinking hot or cold liquids?
- Was any debris left in your mouth after treatment?
- Does the Dentist use a water spray to cool your teeth while drilling?
Dentists are human and professionals take great care; but, it's not always possible to predict patient response. If you have any of the above mentioned issues, call the Dentist's office immediately. You deserve satisfaction, and the Dentist's response to your issues is a good measure of the quality of your visit.
Regular check-ups can detect problems early. Routine tooth cleanings, bite evaluations, periodontal examinations, early interventions, and fluoride treatments can often avoid costly repairs. Once current treatment has been completed, the patient should be placed on a recall schedule and notified when the next checkup is due.
High-quality dental work usually lasts a very long time, whereas low-quality work may fall out or decay out in a few years. High-quality dentistry cannot be done assembly-line style; it takes time and meticulous attention to detail.
It makes sense to become acquainted with a family Dentist before an emergency arises. A good first step is to schedule a "get acquainted" visit to see whether your personalities and philosophies of health care are a match.
"You're never fully dressed without a smile," sang Annie and Daddy Warbucks. A beautiful smile positively impacts your health and your appearance. Respect your teeth, smile and others will respect the care you take with yourself.
by: Mike Schleif
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Who Else Wants To Find The Best Dentist For You And Your Family Near Plymouth Mn? Part V