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Which Days Should I Have Sex If I'm Trying For A Boy Baby?

Which Days Should I Have Sex If I'm Trying For A Boy Baby?

Which Days Should I Have Sex If I'm Trying For A Boy Baby


I'm asked this question quite a bit and I find that the people who are asking are sometimes looking for me to give them a very precise date or day. In other words, I think that they'd like for me to say something like "you should try to conceive a son on Wednesday, the nineteenth at 6:00 am in the morning." Unfortunately, I can't give them this type of precision without more information. But they usually can obtain everything that they need to pinpoint a very precise time line on their own if they're willing to dig a little deeper. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Finding The Best Day And Time To Have Intercourse And Conceive A Boy Baby: Usually, the best day for a boy conception is going to depend on your being able to intersect your ovulation time period with the time in which you are able to get your PH and acidity to where it needs to be. In order to have the best results and to get the gender that you want, both of these things need to happen at the same time.Of course, getting one of these things correct will always help your odds. But, leaving one variable to chance is not going to be in your best interest, especially when it's not all that difficult to address both things in one month. Why settle for only improved odds when you can really maximize your odds? Don't fall short if you don't have to. Many people tell me that they are intimated by this process. There really is no need for this. With just a bit of timing and the right tools, this really is not all that difficult.In terms of ovulation, you want to aim for the day of ovulation or for the day after this happens. The reason for this is that this timing aids that short lived Y or male producing sperm. If you try earlier than this, you run the risk of many or most of the Y's being deteriorated, weakened, or having already died off. It's very important for you to know when the egg is released. Guessing isn't best. And in my opinion, using temperature or cervical mucus requires at least some guess work. I'd rather directly test bodily fluids for better accuracy, which is why I recommend ovulation predictors. I like saliva, but urine can be effective also.Just getting your timing down is leaving a bit much to chance, Many women will also want to make sure that their body and reproductive tract is alkaline rather than acidic. I've alluded to the fact that the boy producing sperm are more vulnerable to time. They are also more vulnerable to their environment. This means they don't do well in acid and will fare much better when they are met with alkaline surroundings rather than acidic ones.So, to have the best chance of success, you want to set it up so that you are alkaline as ovulation approaches. How do you know if this is happening correctly? You use PH testers and you change or tweak your diet and / or use different douching methods to make sure that this is the case. You can also continue to test regularly to make sure that all of the variables are correct at the right time. The saliva predictors are good to give you a bit or a warning that ovulation is approaching so that you can pay careful attention to your PH at that time.Hopefully, you've been testing though out the month and you know which foods or douche recipes give you the best results the most quickly. As you can hopefully see, there's no set day or time when this is going to happen. Now, some women are pretty regular and will get this window at around the same time every month. But some women have some variations in their cycle. For some women, the optimal day might be a Tuesday on the early part of the month. And those same women might have their optimal day on a Sunday mid month the next time.That's why testing regularly can be so important. Some women have shorter or longer cycles than others. Some months will have a little variation. It always pays to be sure and to not guess or to leave everything to chance if you're really serious about conceiving a boy. Precision really is very important and this is easier to accomplish than many people think, at least in my experience.I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for determining ovulation times, douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.If you want a boy baby, check out you want a girl baby, check out
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Which Days Should I Have Sex If I'm Trying For A Boy Baby?