Which Car is Best for Cheap Insurance?

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Which Car is Best for Cheap Insurance?
Cheap car insurance is straightforward enough to find; however, you can make it even easier by choosing a vehicle that costs less to insure in the first insurance. So if you're looking to buy a car and are on a tight budget, here's a quick guide to what you should buy in order to make genuine long-term savings.
Buy an Inexpensive Vehicle

Share: The one thing that is guaranteed to increase any policy price is having a car that costs the same as a new home. Cheaper cars come with proportionately reduced costs of cover, therefore if you buy one that has very little monetary value, you could well be in line for a significant saving. However, you shouldn't reduce the estimated value in order to save a few pounds; firstly it probably won't work and secondly, if it does, you may be left out of pocket in the event of a claim.
Avoid Imports and Rare Cars
It's often not simply the cost of the car that can bump up the price of insurance, but also how readily available replacement parts are and their cost. If you have bought a vehicle that is rare, imported or a classic (possibly even all three), then there will be a greater risk for any insurer, which means that your policy won't come cheap.
Small Engine Size
Whilst a small engine may reduce performance slightly, it will also cut down on the amount you end up forking out for your insurance. Engine size might seem like a bit of an odd factor to be used when calculating the price of a premium. However, just as women are considered safer drivers than men and older drivers are lower risk, the same is true of engines.
The basic reasoning behind this is related to performance. If you have a 1 litre car, capable of a top speed of 100MPH and does 0 to 60 in over 8 seconds, you are far less likely to be involved in a serious collision than a 3 litre, high performance sports car. Obviously this doesn't mean that it can't happen, but statistically it's far less likely. Therefore, for cheap car insurance, make sure that you choose something sensible.
Modern Security
The more secure your vehicle is, the less chance it will become prey to thieves. Therefore, insurers will often give cars with a higher level of security greater discounts than those with outdated or limited immobilisers or alarms. Whilst you may not want to spend hundreds getting a new system fitted, it's worth considering how secure a car is before you actually purchase it.
Buy a Common Model
Just as rare cars are more expensive to insure, the more common models are significantly cheaper. The reasons are much the same too, with it being easier and cheaper to find replacement parts. This drives down your risk level and ensures you can get a pretty good deal.

Share: Find Cars that aren't targeted by Thieves
Some vehicles are actually at greater risk of being stolen as they are seen as easy or desirable to joy riders and thieves. These statistics should be quite widely available and so if you are in the process of finding new wheels, it may be worth researching this first anyway to make sure you won't be putting yourself at greater risk. The result will be that you save money and have greater peace of mind.
So these are just a few of the things that you should consider when it comes to buying or insuring a new car. In the most part it is down to common sense and choosing a car that meets your requirements but doesn't have excessive value or risk attached to it. If you're serious about getting cheaper car insurance, then this guide should help steer you away from financial danger and see your annual premiums plummet.
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