Where shall we go on holiday?

Share: There are few undecided people, but even once you chose your position
, the choice is still difficult. The destinations for the summer holidays are innumerable, and all of them are undoubtedly worth to be seen; the most classical choice for the summer is the seaside, leaving the mountains for the winter, with ski and snow. In the summertime many people prefer wearing, finally, their swimsuit, diving in the sea and going back home after having stored a good quantity of salinity, relaxed and tanned.
In the Bel Paese the choice for the water lovers is so wide that it is confusing: Tyrrhenian? Adriatic? Ionian? Ligurian? All of them have their points of strength and their marvels...the cost wet by the Adriatic Sea perhaps is the most equipped for tourism, so if you prefer more natural ambient you could try the Ionic Sea, that wets a side of Apulia, of Calabria and of Sicily; the hot sun and the blue skies attract many people who want to escape from the city, looking for a deserved pause.
Natural does not mean wild, though: you can look for a holiday village in Calabria to spend your holidays among sea, beaches, good cuisine and much relax. In Calabria the sea represents the main touristic resource, a luck that obviously comes from its geographical conformation, that makes of it a paradise in which you can satisfy both your longing for the seaside and for the mountains.
Choosing for your holidays a resort in Calabria you can combine relax and fun, seaside and mountains, culture and tradition, all accompanied by an exquisite cuisine and a warm welcome. Moreover, during the summertime Calabria offers an enormous variety of musical, sporting and literary events in all of its provinces: cinema, jazz and blues festivals, literary and sporting prizes and many other events. The culture of Calabria is very ancient, enough to include among its dialects a language that comes directly from the Ancient Greek, called Greek of Calabria: it is still talked in some areas of the southern part of the region, in the province of Reggio Calabria, but until the XV century it was talked in the whole region. The precise origin of the Greek of Calabria is still subject of discussion: some say that it comes from the Byzantine Greek, others from the Magna Graecia, and its evolution has been different and separated from the Hellenic Greek's one; anyway, the Greek of Calabria is an archaic language, that uses words that in the neo-Greek do not exist.

Share: In the end, it looks like spending your summer holidays in Calabria can be a solution to combine all the possibilities that a holiday can offer, without leaving anything aside: seaside, mountains, relax, cuisine, fun, culture, sport and, in brief, anything you can expect from a holiday. Moreover, the white sands beaches and the cliffs end in a crystalline water that will certainly disappoint no expectations.
Where shall we go on holiday?
By: Martina
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