Where To Buy Goat Meat - Vital Tips Before You Buy Your Goat Breed
Ever wondered why goat meats are becoming more and more popular
? What is in them that a lot of people are opting to buy them instead of chicken, pork, or other meat products? So do you know where to buy goat meat?Goat meat consumption has actually been around for centuries. It is considered the traditional meat in many regions in the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and even across South East Asia.
Knowing where to buy goat meat is quite important especially when goat meat production is not as popular yet in the United States compared to other parts of world, particularly Australia and New Zealand. These two countries are considered to be the largest producers of goat meat products around the world. When buying meat from goat, it is important to know the different types of meat goat breeds since the quality of the meat depends on which type of goat you get. So before telling you where to buy goat meat of good quality, it is important that you are aware of the different types of meat from goats.
The Spanish variety is considered to produce meat of excellent quality. It is also known to contain less fat. Livestock breeders are now discovering to cross the Spanish variety with Boer in the hope of getting bigger and a better meat quality. However, most cross-bred goats are considered to be more suitable in milk production and their meat is not as excellent compared to the pure breeds. Cross breeds cost less than pure breeds and they are easily available in the market.
Another type of goat is the Angora variety. Angora meat is also known for its good quality; however it is not readily available since this variety is not adaptable to cold climate. The Boer variety is a little expensive to rear that is why the meat from Boer goat is more expensive. The steep price more than compensates the excellent meat quality it produces. It is also good to point out that meat from goat is sold as capretto or chevon. Capretto is Italian for kid goat, so capretto refers to the meat of a kid goat. This type of meat is lean and colored pink. Chevon refers to goats that are bigger and heavier and are aged between 6 to 18 months. This type is more flavorful and is firm.
So we go back to the question of where to buy goat meat. Even if meat from goat is quite popular around the world, rarely you will find meats from goat in local supermarkets. There are specialist butchers that sell meat from goats. You might also be successful at purchasing goat meats from farmer's markets. There is also a wide market for online buyers so check out the net for some online selling sites. It may be quite difficult to know where to buy goat meat products; however, once you find out, it will be a breeze already!
by: Peter Hansen
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