Where Can I Get Or Buy Nutrisystem Frozen Meals? How Much Do They Cost?

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? How Much Do They Cost?
I often hear from people who want to know if nutrisystem's meals are frozen. I think the reason for this reoccurring question is that frozen meals are often appealing and preferable in terms of taste and convenience. And, many people who ask this question have often already checked their grocery store's frozen food aisles and come up empty. Because of this, many assume that the diet doesn't offer frozen options.
Actually, nutrisystem does offer both frozen and non frozen meals. Many of the diet's basic packages, including the women's and mens' regular lines, (as well as the vegetarian and silver options) offer foods that are "soft canned." The packaging looks somewhat like the foods are frozen, but they aren't. The food doesn't need a freezer to stay fresh. People often tell me that they aren't familiar with foods stored in this way, but they're often wrong about this. If you've ever eaten canned peaches, then you have eaten "soft canned" foods.
The big advantage to this, of course, is that the food requires less room to store and no special requirements to stay fresh. You don't have to worry about it defrosting or spoiling. I don't find it to taste odd or any different than you would expect. In fact, I find the foods on this diet to be among the tastiest diet food I've tried. Not many diets offer you cake, ravioli, pretzels, and pizza.

Share: Nutrisystem Frozen Food Line: But, for people who really want frozen meals, there is a nutrisystem package that provides this. It's called the select line and, in addition to some of the regular foods, it offer frozen options for all of your meals. For example, for breakfast there is frozen french toast and omelets, to name a few examples. For lunch, there are wraps and paninis. And for dinner, there is glazed turkey and shrimp. There are also some nice dessert options on the select line like ice cream sandwiches and popsicles.
Where Can You Buy Nutrisystem Frozen Foods Or Meals?: As to where you can purchase or buy the nutrisystem frozen meals, you won't find them in grocery or health food stores. In fact, they aren't in stores at all. People often ask me how it's possible for the company to deliver frozen meals without them defrosting in the process. The way that they do is that the select meals are delivered to you by Schwan's. You may have seen the yellow Schwan's trucks delivering frozen meals of all kinds in your neighborhood.
Cost Of Nutrisystem Frozen Meals: The select line is a bit more expensive (usually around $360 for the month) than the other basic package but many people tell me that they believe the taste and convenience make this worth it. And, since it is a package, you can use the good coupons with it.
To get the latest nutrisystem coupons mentioned in this article (or to see a list of all of the foods), please check out my blog (where you can also read my free e book "Getting The Most Out Of Nutrisystem" which includes recipes, the latest specials (up to two weeks free or over $100 off), information on all of the programs, tips, support, and motivation. Check it out if you like at http://celebrity-diet-review.com/
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