When You Can't Get The Real Thing: Iphone Clones

Share: Basically, any phone that has a large touch-screen may be deemed an iPhone clone
, but below is a discussion of the ten phones that most closely match the iPhone in more than just looks, but also in the features and applications that they provide.
The Samsung Instinct looks very similar to the iPhone and includes a highly functional GPS system. It even surpasses the iPhone with a much faster data transfer rate.
The Sony Xperia has a slightly wider screen than the iPhone and runs on Windows Mobile 6.1 which may be preferable for PC users. It is capable of running nine active desktops at the same time. It also differs from the iPhone in that it has a slide-out QWERTY keyboard.
The Deeda Pi tries very hard to mimic the iPhone exactly and succeeds up to 95%. It runs on an open source platform, making it easy to create and install third-party applications.

Share: The LG Voyager looks quite different from the iPhone in that there is a larger frame around the touchscreen and it flips open to reveal a QWERTY keyboard. It mirrors the iPhone in that its home screen menu structure is almost identical.
Also from LG, the Vu mimics the look and feel of the iPhone by providing a touch-activated user interface. Unlike the iPhone, a key feature of the Vu is its support for MediaFLO TV.
At first glance, albeit a quick first glance, the Cect P168 may be indistinguishable from the iPhone. It also has a 1.3 megapixel camera and touts its "3D Surround Sound" capability.
The HiPhone may be the truest knock-off of the iPhone in terms of the look and functionality of the user interface. The only thing that differentiates its look is the logo, which is the reverse of the Apple icon. The Windows Mobile operating system that it runs also sets it apart from the iPhone.
The Meizu M8 Mini One looks more like the iTouch than the iPhone. It has a 3.4 inch screen, which is a nice size. It also comes with a more palatable price tag, beginning at only $200.
The HTC Touch Dual does not look like an iPhone clone at first glance because its actual appearance is so different. It looks much more like a typical standard cell phone. Looks can be deceiving, however, because within its small package, the HTC Touch Dual contains almost all of the same powerful features as the iPhone.
Finally, the Desay N8 does a decent job at imitating the iPhone right down to having the same design, home button and even the wallpaper. Its main differentiating factor is that it is not a true touchscreen. Users must use the provided stylus to navigate rather than their own fingertips.
Clearly a variety of phone manufactures have come out with their answers to the iPhone. The clones range from being almost exact to even surpassing the iPhone in certain features. As with most high-end items, knock-offs always abound, but nothing usually beats the original.
by: Roberto Sedycias
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