When To Give Your Dog The Freedom Off The Leash

Share: It is common for the dog owners to be anxious to give their four legged friends freedom off the leash
. But, it is important not to do this in haste. Digs should be let off the leash only after they mastered the art of being obedient to commands such as sitting at your heels, standing, and sitting on command etc. One more important thing is that the dog should also respond and come as soon as commanded. In case he does not respond to the call then he is not ready to be taken off the leash.
Taking the leash off especially in a busy road where the traffic is very high is definitely not something that can be taken lightly. The leashed should be removed and tested in a lesser crowded environment to see how it behaves and then the dog can be taken to the crowded part slowly. Leash is after all the main instrument with which the dog can be controlled. The owner should be absolutely convinced that his dog is heading to the voice commands and only then can it be taken off the leash.
After the training is done for the dog to follow the sit, stand and come commands it should be tested and challenge the dog with various amounts of distractions. It is important the dog be introduced to other people and other pet animals in a safe environment like in the fenced yard of the home.
One can ask a friend or a neighbor to stand outside the fence while you hold the dog on the leash. It is important to watch the reactions of the god to the friend standing outside the fence. If the dog starts pulling the leash then it is important to tug him back immediately.

Share: This exercise can be repeated until the dog remains on your side. After this the leash can be dropped and eventually it can be removed and repeat the distractions to the next level. The distractions should be varied by introducing people, other animals, toys, and traffic etc.
After it is known that the dog can remain still even in the face of distraction it is important to start introducing the other commands. One can start by inviting their friends and neighbors along with their pets to play. As the dogs are playing you can call you dog and test if he is heading to your call command.
If the dog responds and comes to you then it is important that a lot of praise is heaped on the dog and given a reward as well. Then he should be immediately sent back to play with the other pets. This process needs to be repeated many times throughout the day and each time the dog should be rewarded for his obedience and immediately let him go back to his playmates.
After the training is completed in your home then, try out the same thing in a park or some other place other than your home. For the first time it is important to find a small place and make sure it is a fenced areas so that there will not be any tension of losing the dog. In case it is difficult to find a fenced area outside your home then, it is advisable to find something that is away from the crowd and traffic.

Share: Practice with your pet by making him pay with the other pets or just sniff around and then call your pet. If he responds and comes immediately, praise him and reward him immediately as in the previous tests and then let him go back to whatever he was doing. Doing this will teach your dog that responding to you every time you call is good for him as he would get rewarded and praised as well.
Only after this ability is demonstrated continuously even if there are distractions, should the dog be taken off the leash. But, the off-leash time should always be under supervision. This is extremely important for the well-being of both the owner and the dog.
It is very easy for the dog to get into trouble very quickly. So, one should always keep an eye in the dog irrespective of the dog is playing with the other pets or with the squirrels in the park or with the neighbors kids.
by: Gary Rogers
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2024-12-4 16:28
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