What to Know Before You Buy an HDMI Cable

Share: In a world of acronyms, tech-savvy individuals added another one to their lists in 2002
. The ever-popular High Definition Multimedia Interface cable, or HDMI cable, is the best way to transform your home entertainment system into an unmatched high definition experience. Of course, for an HDMI cable to be of any worth to you, you must have an HDTV. What the cable does is transmit uncompressed digital data to the television for the highest quality in picture and sound. As of January 2009, HDMI cables have been installed in more than 600 million homes around the world.
However, getting an HDMI cable is not as simple as you might think it should be. There is a wide variation in specifications, from the basic V1.0 to the newest V1.4 model that was released mid 2009. To get the most out of your current home theatre setup, you need to obtain the HDMI cable that is designed with your specific equipment in mind. There are four cable connector types named Type A through Type D. These vary in size and number of pins. Check the back of your television to see the model number and manufacturing year which can help you match it up with the right HDMI cables. Helpful salesmen or an online search will help you successfully obtain your requirements.
There are also HDMI cables placed within either Category 1 or Category 2. The first category is standard and the second category is high-speed. In order to keep everything straight, consumers can seek HDMI cables that belong in different version releases. For example, all 1.3 cables will have similar basic specifications as each other. Once you have the right cable for you, you can begin enjoying high definition movies, television and videogames. The gaming community has indeed been affected by the introduction of HDMI cables. Depending on the system you play on, you may need to acquire a particular HDMI cable.
The most important thing is that the exact cable you choose should comply with two components: it must be compatible with your TV and you must be satisfied with the features it delivers to users. If you want a Category 2 HDMI cable, you should be willing to pay more for the added speed. If you need a longer HDMI cable for your setup, a more expensive cable will be required if you hope to not lose signal strength.
What to Know Before You Buy an HDMI Cable
By: Jason Smythson
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