Buying a used car can be a great investment. If you look carefully and do your research, you can find a great car that will last you a long time and that will cost you very little. But the important part is doing your research. Because the opposite is also true. If you buy a used car with too many mechanical problems, it can be nothing but trouble. Research is everything. Before you even start looking for a vehicle, there are a few steps to take.
Start by figuring out your budget. How much can you comfortably afford to pay for a used vehicle? Do you have the cash to purchase the vehicle outright or will you need financing from a dealership or bank? If you need financing it's a good idea to talk to your bank in advance and get an idea of current interest rates and what you can afford. Once you have a number, make sure you don't exceed it no matter what you find. Before you even begin looking at cars, figure out what kind of vehicle you'll need. If a commuter car is what you have in mind, figure out a top five list of car makes and models that you would like to own. Research each one carefully to find out if they are reliable and cost effective. Narrow it down to a couple choices and begin searching at dealerships and in private listings to find a potential option. Once you find a couple potentials, you are ready to start the process of deciding which one is the most mechanically sound.