What kind of insurance you get with your credit card?

Share: What kind of insurance you get with your credit card
Insurance with your credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) are more like support contracts that assists you in case of incidents, for a short time without giving you a very important health insurance coverage and whether any you stay more than 3 consecutive months in the United States.
If you want to be well covered, we recommend you use them in conjunction with a specific insurance. Without going into too much detail, we will outline the services offered.
The main services via your credit card

Share: Warning: This analysis is not exhaustive and has no legal value. In addition, certain safeguards have been updated by the banking institutions without yet being integrated into our presentation. We advise you to contact your bank for details of your coverage.
Insured persons
It is usually the cardholder, spouse or partner, dependent children aged less tax of 25 years and upward and downward. A note on Visa cards that the spouse and dependent children are covered even if not accompanied by the cardholder. While for the MasterCard "standard" including the family of the owner must accompany the benefit of the service.
Territorial Extent of coverage
For Visa "standards" and "first", you will be covered worldwide, with no deductible mileage for business trips or private, in your country of residence (if you are a resident French: France including Corsica, Monaco, Andorra, DOM TOM and COM) or outside your country of residence for the security assistance. Regarding the warranty insurance, it applies to more than 100 km from the residence or place of work. For MasterCard and American Express, assistance does not require franchise mileage, except for the "Gold" Amex with which you covered until 50 Km to you for the assistance of your vehicle, medical assistance and repatriation expenses, and 100 km from your home in the world to guarantee the rental vehicle.
Length of Coverage
Guarantees of credit cards take effect the day of purchase (under certain conditions) to the cards throughout the duration of them until termination or automatic renewal by the licensee in the country of residence. When travelling abroad, secured assistance shall apply the first 90 days of stay. This may vary from one card to another depending on the type of coverage (insurance or assistance) if the visit is to last longer for specific reasons (death, disability due to an accident during the stay) for the "Visa First, the insurance guarantees apply the first 180 days of stay. Caution: If your stay exceeds 3 months your credit card "standard" will not cover you.
Conditions of Application
As mentioned previously, the guarantees offered by credit cards apply in general from the possession thereof but subject to certain conditions. There are two types of guarantees, assistance and insurance. The first applies when the subscription of the credit card, in case of illness or injury, death, lawsuits abroad and help the onward journey. The second applies when you set your travel services and other purchases related to it with your credit card in case of incidents of travel (delays planes, trains, and luggage) and accidents Travel (death, disability). This can vary from one card to another.
Amount of medical expenses paid
The ceilings offered by credit cards are trivial in relation to medical expenses that may be incurred in certain foreign countries like the USA, so it is advisable to take out additional insurance. Your medical expenses will be reimbursed up to a ceiling of 11,000 for Visa and MasterCard plus a deductible of 50 for one and 75 for each other. Prime Visa has a higher ceiling (155,000 ) with a deductible of 50 . The Amex has a reimbursement ceiling of 9200 . For example, with a deductible of 50 , so consulting a doctor will cost 60 , you will be reimbursed between 0 and 10 with your credit card.
Assistance benefits
Generally, the guarantees offered by different credit cards cover virtually the same benefits:
The management of travel expenses and hotel for a family member in case of hospitalization of the insured more than 10 days ("Visa Premier" 125 / day for 10 days to 375 beyond "Platinum MasterCard" 250 / day for 10 days to 750 beyond). NAMELY: with supplementary health insurance, there are no ceilings.
Repatriation and assistance to the home or place of hospitalization of children under 15 years.
The early return in case of hospitalization over 24 hours or death of a family (support tickets round trip).
The shipment of drugs.
Repatriation of body in case of death during the stay.
Legal assistance abroad.
Travel cancellation insurance
The cancellation insurance travel is generally not offered with the cards 'standards'. Prime Visa offers this guarantee capped at 5000 with a refund of 200 per insured person if cancellation is made 30 days before departure. Cancellation fees are covered by the Amex Gold and Platinum in the amount of 4500 to 10,000 per year per insured. The "Platinum MasterCard" reimburses up to a ceiling of 10,000 .
Warranty delayed flights or baggage
The cards 'standards' generally do not cover compensation for the costs of basic necessities when your plane or your luggage is delayed. Prime Visa offers 250 from 4 hours of delay per trip. The Amex compensate you between 150 ("Personal Card") and 800 (Platinum) for baggage delay, and between 100 and 200 for late planes. The delay insurance for MasterCard's cover the cost of 250 (Gold) and 500 (Platinum).
Stolen or damaged luggage
The standard maps do not compensate you. Prime Visa cover you up to 800 per bag with a deductible of 70 . The map "Platinum" Amex, guaranteed personal belongings against theft, loss or damage up to 2,000 per trip. For the map "Platinum MasterCard, the limit is at 3200 per year.
Civil Liability
You're not covered with a standard card. Visa Prime Platinum MasterCard and you cover up to 1,525,000 per occurrence for all damages and injury caused to third parties. Amex Platinum card covers you up to 2,000,000 for property damage and injury caused to others while travelling.

Share: Remember that if there is an accident, 1.5 million in some countries like the United States depart quickly between medical expenses, legal fees etc....
The death or disability
The application of this guarantee is generally subject to the use of your card to purchase your ticket. The accident caused the death or disability must have occurred during the voyage a journey that must be "guaranteed" by the insurer (check out the conditions for applying for each card). It can be a journey by public transport or hire cars. MasterCard will pay up to 95,000 (public transport) and 46,000 (car hire). Visa Premier and Gold MasterCard pay for death or disability to 310,000 per family per event. The Amex Gold Card and Platinum MasterCard respectively cover up to 300,000 and 620,000 per family per occurrence.
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