What is the Difference Between Mesothelioma Cells and Pleuritic Cells
What is the Difference Between Mesothelioma Cells and Pleuritic Cells
Another study is called, "D2-40: A Reliable Marker in the Diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma" by Annette M. Mllera, Folker E. Frankeb, Klaus-Michael Mllera - Institute of Pathology, BG Clinics Bergmannsheil', Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, and Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany - Pathobiology 2006;73:50-54. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Objective: Malignant mesotheliomas of the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium can easily be confused with either metastatic adenocarcinomas or reactive pleural lesions. D2-40, a monoclonal antibody used as a marker for seminomatous germ cell tumours and lymphatic endothelial cells, was recently described in mesothelial cells and type I but not type II pneumocytes. Method: The immunoreactivities of D2-40 in 76 lung carcinomas of different histological types (adenocarcinomas, squamous cell, small cell, and bronchioloalveolar carcinomas) were compared with those of 36 pleural epithelioid and sarcomatoid mesotheliomas and 5 specimens of chronic pleuritis. Results: While all 18 analysed epithelioid mesotheliomas displayed a strong membranous immunostaining, 18 sarcomatoid mesotheliomas showed no, or a merely faint, cytoplasmic signal, comparable with fibroblasts in chronic pleuritis. Out of all analysed lung carcinomas, 49 showed no immunoreactivity for D2-40 (64%), while the other 27 (36%) showed a focal weak to moderate and only cytoplasmic signal. Conclusions: We regard D2-40 as a valid marker in the differential diagnosis of epithelioid mesotheliomas versus pulmonary adenocarcinomas. However, this marker may not properly label sarcomatoid mesotheliomas or distinguish them from reactive pleural lesions."
Another study is called, "Distinction of mesothelioma from carcinoma in pleural effusions. An immunocytochemical study on routinely processed cytoblock preparations." By Kuhlmann L, Berghuser KH, Schffer R. - Pathol Res Pract. 1991 May;187(4):467-71. Division of Cytopathology, Justus Liebig University, Medical School, Giessen, FRG. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - The study was designed to find out whether the commercially available antibodies BMA 130 c, BMA 120, V 9, KL 1, B 72.3 TAG, HEA 125 and Ber-EP 4 would be of help in distinguishing carcinomas from a mesothelial process (mesothelioma/pleuritis) in pleural effusion specimens routinely processed by the cytoblock method. All of the 20 carcinomas included in the study but also 19 of the 20 mesotheliomas expressed cytokeratin (KL 1), whereas vimentin expression was found in 7 of the 20 carcinomas and 19 of the 20 mesotheliomas. 19 of the 20 carcinomas reacted with the epithelial markers B 72.3 and HEA 125, and 18 of them with Ber-EP 4. In contrast, only a few of the 20 mesotheliomas showed a weak reaction to these markers (1 with HEA 125, 2 with B 72.3, and 3 with Ber-EP 4). BMA-130 c was detected in 10/20 carcinomas but in none of the mesotheliomas. BMA-120 was observed in the effusions from 17/20 mesotheliomas and in cover cells which had undergone reactive changes, but also in 2 cases of ovarian carcinoma. The results show that reaction to the "epithelial markers" B 72.3, HEA 125 and Ber-EP 4 is strongly indicative of carcinoma and not of mesothelioma, whereas a positive reaction with the antibody BMA-120 in the absence of reaction to the epithelial markers makes a mesothelial process very likely. However, immunocytochemical distinction cannot be made as yet between mesothelioma cells and pleuritic cells. If simultaneous positivity for BMA-120 and an "epithelial marker" in a pleural effusion is observed the primary tumor could be an ovarian carcinoma."
Another study is called, "Carcinoembryonic antigen and milk-fat globule protein staining of malignant mesothelioma and adenocarcinoma of the lung." By Tron V, Wright JL, Churg A. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1987 Mar;111(3):291-3. Here is an excerpt: "Abstract - Immunohistologic markers have been of considerable value in differentiating malignant mesothelioma from adenocarcinoma. Recently, staining for milk-fat globule (MFG) protein has been suggested as a useful diagnostic test for this separation, but subsequent reports have been conflicting, with some authors finding clearcut differences, while others showed similar marking of both tumor types. To examine this technique further, we studied lung carcinomas and mesotheliomas with commercially available anti-MFG, and compared these results with those obtained with anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a commonly used immunomarker of carcinoma. We found that carcinomas showed strong cytoplasmic staining for MFG and CEA; however, a greater percentage of carcinomas were more strongly positive for CEA than for MFG. Mesotheliomas did not, for the most part, stain strongly with either antibody. In addition, carcinomas from different hospitals stained differently for MFG, but not for CEA. We conclude that although strong cytoplasmic staining for MFG is a reasonably reliable indicator of carcinoma, CEA staining provides a better separation and is considerably easier to interpret in lung cancer specimens."
We all owe a debt of gratitude to these fine researchers. If you found any of these excerpts interesting, please read the studies in their entirety.
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