What are the possible effect of x-ray to a pregnant mother?
Share: What are the possible effect of x-ray to a pregnant mother
We know that the most sensitive to radiation are actively fissile cells. At the time of division they are almost defenseless to the effects of many environmental factors, including radiation. An adult of such cells are relatively few and their damage to small doses of radiation are not always fraught with consequences. The child in the womb to share cells of all organs and tissues. But even here there are subtleties. Nature invented a catchy way to protect a fertilized egg from the possible consequences for mankind. At the early stage of embryo development is the principle of all or nothing. This means that if there has been serious damage zygote in the first week of its existence, the pregnancy will not develop. It can be done in half erroneous conclusion that the exposure in the earl stages of pregnancy is not dangerous. This is not quite true.
So if fluorography (especially classical, film) in pregnant was held after the expected date of menstruation, it is recommended that medical and genetic counseling. So, during pregnancy should be avoided impacts of X-rays. These studies in pregnant hold only if absolutely necessary, also only on strict clinical indications. In terms of security is also correct to say no "to any deadline," but "after a deadline." Indeed, in early pregnancy embryo and fetus is still more sensitive to adverse effects. Relatively safe in this respect the second half of pregnancy when the unborn child has already been formed, all organs and systems, and therefore less likely negative impact of X-rays on the fetus.
You can not attract pregnant to participate in the X-ray. It is about maintaining aid to children and terminally ill relatives during the study. X-ray studies, regardless of the duration of pregnancy only when necessary for the provision of ambulance or emergency room or in dealing with the issue of abortion.
Share: According to regulatory documents, for women aged under 45 years of working with radiation sources, imposed additional restrictions: the dose received by the result of two months undetected pregnancy, should not exceed 1 mSv. To that end, X-ray studies of pregnant (by the way, this principle applies to all segments of the population) should be conducted using all possible means of protection outside the survey. Occasionally there are cases where the projected level of fetal exposure exceeds 0.1 Sv (100 mSv). Such cases may occur if necessary repeat X-ray studies (such as X-rays) of the digestive system, urinary tract, pelvic area with serious illnesses. In such cases, the doctor is obliged to warn the patient about the possible consequences of the harmful effects of radiation on fruit and strongly recommend abortion.
Sometimes there are questions and a different kind. For example, does not affect whether thehealth of the fetus pictures at the hands of a breakthrough mother? We should not, if the study had been carried out correctly, quote from the body. But after a period of 12 weeks, you need to perform a thorough ultrasound examination fetus and its organs. There are issues and the post-irradiation. For example, is it possible to light radiograph during breastfeeding? The answer is obvious. X-ray radiation has adverse impact only with the direct impact on the child. The study will not have any impact on the properties of milk, so the study could take place without fear of consequences.
X-ray of the teeth during pregnancy increases the risk of the child's birth weight was below the norm, say scientists. Previously, researchers have noted a link between the birth of babies with low birth weight and the passage of X-ray, but images of teeth were considered harmless.
By opinion of scientist team from the University of Washington, the refusal of pregnant women from x-ray at the dentist can reduce the risk of giving birth to low birth weight by 5%. Scientists have published their findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Birth weight below two and a half pounds is considered insufficient.
The scientists studied the medical history of women treated at the dentist from January 1993 to December 2000. About 2% of women, whose children were born with low birth weight, did X-rays of teeth.
Scientists have found that, women whom dentists are doing dental X-ray image, apparently in 3.5 times more children are born weighing less than two and a half pounds than women who did not do during pregnancy X-ray teeth.
Share: "We do not know, if X-ray really affects neurohormone mechanism, in the head and neck, for example, the function of the thyroid gland, or are we seeing the influence of other factors unrelated to the X-Ray", - said Dr. Hadjel. According to him, for scientists, these results were unexpected, since women have a very small dose of radiation, which, as previously believed, should not affect their health. "The biggest dose of radiation to which they were subjected, is approximately equal to radiation, which exposed passengers, 16 times fly from New York to London and back," - he indicates.
Scientists point out that their findings contradict the prevailing view that the weak X-rays are not harmful to pregnant women, if reproductive organs are not exposed to radiation. Previously, researchers have found that the radiation received when Roentgen for diagnosis, for example, when problems with the backbone, has also led to the birth of children with low birth weight.
Pregnant better to avoid dental X-ray, and resort to it, only in exceptional cases. Dentists make X-rays, which found it necessary to diagnose, and the majority of dentists in the treatment of pregnant women are especially wary. Women should alert the doctor that they are pregnant or think that might be pregnant.
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