What You Must Know About Individual Dental Insurance
What You Must Know About Individual Dental Insurance
Modern healthcare facilities are very costly. Dental procedures are equally costly. Even simple dental procedures can cost several thousands of dollars. In other words, these are beyond the reach of the common citizen. The only way to get access to quality dental healthcare facilities without having to shell out a lot of money is to invest in a dental insurance plan. Dental insurance is very essential today. However, many people do not have any sort of dental cover. In fact, statistics indicate that around 50% of the people in the United States have no dental cover what so ever.
Dental insurance is an agreement between the insurance company and the individual where the company bears a part of the dental costs incurred by the individual. In return, the individual has to pay a monthly premium to the company. There are several types of dental insurance policies. These include individual, family and group policies. Depending on the requirements, you have to choose one of these policies.
As an individual, you can either opt for individual policies or family policies. Group policies are always provided by employers. Other hand, individual and family plans can be purchased directly from insurance agents or from the company website. If you have a family, it is better to go for a family plan as the dental costs of all members of the family will be covered.
There are two types of dental insurance companies. These are:
Preferred Provider Organization or PPO, and
Dental Health Maintenance Organization or DHMO
Both of these have their own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose any one of them depending on your requirements. Coverage will depend on company policies and also on the plan your investing on. For instance, certain dental procedures such as implants may not be covered. However, almost all insurance plans cover normal procedures such as cleaning, plaque removal, teeth extraction, screening costs, fillings and braces. Dental emergencies are also always covered. In such cases, the costs of tooth replacement and surgery will be taken care of by the insurance company.
The dental insurance market is highly competitive today. There are a large number of companies in the market and so competition is very stiff. Because of this reason, the customer has many options. You don't have to stick to a single company. Before opting for a plan, always evaluate the pros and cons and only then make your move.
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