What You Can Do To Stop Your Divorce After Cheating on Your Wife
What You Can Do To Stop Your Divorce After Cheating on Your Wife
You've cheated on your wife. Now that she's learned the truth she's all set for divorce court. The problem is that you've seen life on the other side of the Yellow Brick Road and you want to get your marriage back on track for a happy ending instead. Can you stop your divorce after you've been caught cheating on your wife?
You better believe you can!
As long as both of you love each other it isn't too late to make your marriage work. That doesn't mean it's all going to be smooth sailing though. You will have to put some effort into making things work with your marriage
The hardest part is going to be getting her attention. Here are a few things you can do to get your wife's attention in a good way after you've cheated on her.
Request Mediation Rather than Divorce
She may or may not be willing to go this route but it will get her thinking. The request alone lets your wife know that you are really interested in and serious about saving your marriage.
This is a GOOD thing for you.
If she believes that you are serious enough about wanting to save your marriage that you are willing to go through mediation and really talk about what's going on then perhaps she'll begin entertaining the idea of saving the marriage as well.
Show Your Sincerity; Don't Tell
Your wife needs to see action on your part rather than hearing promises to change at some distant date in the future. She needs you to show her the love that's been missing in her life. She needs you to make her FEEL like the center of her universe. She needs to see changes in you that she can't point out and acknowledge for herself.
She doesn't need to hear how you're a changed man. She really does need to see those changes for herself. So, it's time to make changes and to show your wife the different man you are and intend to be from this point forward in your marriage.
Ask for a Second Chance
You'll be amazed at the things in life you can get just by learning to ask. It goes beyond asking for an opportunity to save your marriage after cheating though.
We all have things we want and need in relationships. Rather than turning to outside forces and other women, perhaps it's time you learn to ask your wife for the things you need too. Then you'll never be in this particular situation again.