What To Pay Attention To In Converting Word To Pdf

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After completed the authoring or editing in Microsoft Word application, people are eager to convert the Word documents to PDF files, but what should be paid attention to while the
Word to PDF converter .
Whether you convert it through the printer function of your machine or some sort of
Word to PDF converter software either free download or paid ones, there are notes that require our attention.
Design your Word file with styles. Styles help you make your document usable to people clearly. With contents, headers, footers, page numbers and the like, readers feel much easier to get into what you are intended to express.
Graphics and images are essential and should be followed with alternative text descriptions. Avoid that the text are too close to the images, which may cause problems when converting to PDF. Its better to place space between images and texts.
To create columns, do not use the tab key to make space between text columns or put text in a table, but to use Words column command. Format> Columns or click on the Columns toolbar.
After the Word formatting is done, lets move to the Word to PDF conversion. Through the conversion, please notice:
1.Whether all the PDF features are added to the target PDF file: Author name, Users password, Owners password, allowed actions like copy/paste (to Clipboard)/print, etc.
2.If all or some of the above features are added to the conversion, check the output file to see whether they are all there.
3.After the conversion, check whether the Word 2000/2003/2007 to PDF Converter did harm to the appearance of the content, including: text distortion, layout disorder, image quality leak, image positions, etc.
4.And, check the document page, for example your original Word file is with 30 pages, after the conversion is the output PDF file is 30 pages or not.
5.Hyperlinks are important, too. Through the conversion hyperlinks may be lost.
by: willking
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