What To Expect With Car Insurance Quotes For Teenagers
Share: If you have a new driver in the family and you want to add them to your insurance plan
, you should know what to expect. With car insurance quotes for teenagers, you can expect to pay a lot more money than you are paying for yourself or your spouse, but there is usually good reason for this and there are also ways to lower the cost.
The reason that companies feel that they can charge so much more is because teens are often the cause of most accidents on the road. With their lack of experience and the recklessness that comes with their young age, they are getting into trouble a lot more than adults are.
They are quicker to try out risky situations, such as making a yellow light that is about to turn red or trying to change lanes and make their exit even though they almost missed it. They are more impetuous and daring than adults, which tends to backfire on the road and does not make for safe driving.
Teenagers are also riding in the car with friends, more often than not, while adults are riding by themselves or with their children in the backseat. While caring for the safety of their children encourages adults to drive more slowly and carefully, driving with friends causes teens to speed up.
The quotes that you get will represent all of these reasons that insurance companies have to charge you more. They will often increase their prices by at least fifty percent, if not higher, for your teenager than what you pay for yourself. It is usually higher for boys than for girls, as well.
If your child gets good grades in school, this might be a way to save yourself some money, because a good report card will often be recognized by these companies. A lot of them offer ten percent off for exceptional students because a responsible child in school is often more responsible on the road.
Even if your teen does not have good grades, do not despair. They can also either lower their rates or at least ensure that they do not rise if they drive carefully and cautiously and do not break the law. Getting tickets and getting into accidents will make their rates rise much faster than an adult's would, sometimes doubling them with just one offense. Although car insurance quotes for teenagers will be high to begin with, they can try their best to keep them from rising by staying safe and out of trouble.
by: Lance Thorington
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