What Makes Halloween So Enticing?

Share: For generations, people have reveled in the holiday of Halloween
. We look forward to the giving and passing out of candy, seeing children dressed as their heroes or anything their minds could come up with. We crave pumpkin carving and coming up with recipes that use the seeds. Even if you are an adult, dressing in a costume is still a perfectly acceptable thing to do on Halloween.
In fact, Halloween is seen by many as one of the most important holidays of the year. But this only begs the question as to why we love Halloween as we do. Is it because we are intrigued and fascinated by the occult? It can't just be about free candy and putting on a tutu.
There are several definitions for the term occult. One refers to the occult as simply something that is secret and hidden from view, while another calls it supernatural and paranormal. No matter what meaning you choose to acknowledge, the general feeling is the same. The occult is something that the average person can't and doesn't see.
It is something out of the ordinary, a subject that isn't exactly spoken about at the local cafe, elementary school or grocery store. Perhaps it is that forbidden nature of the occult that calls out to us. Because everyday life does not include it, it feels different and special, almost a magical thing. When Halloween comes it is our excuse to immerse ourselves in something that we can't really discuss or become involved in otherwise.
You may not believe in witchcraft but it sure is fun to watch a movie about them and even dress as one. You may not think that zombies could actually walk into your home and eat your brain but it sure is thrilling to theorize, at least for a night. Halloween is also a safe way to look into the dark and evil in the world without really becoming a part of it. In other words, we come close to danger without actually being in danger, no matter how scared we might be.
Murder and other terrible acts are treated with humor and are even included in staged haunted houses to get extra screams. As long as people want to pretend to be something they're not, gorge on sweets or other delights, and tackle the darker sides of life, so shall Halloween continue to exist. We may wonder why it is that we feel so pulled in to the world of the occult, but few ever stop to really question it and find the answer. It is a day to think and feel spooky, so enjoy your Halloween Party, it is the only chance you'll get until next year.
by: Nick Messe
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