What Is Php Web Hosting Paid For Life? Is It Possible And Is Anyone Offering It Yet?

Share: Nowadays, there is a lot of competition among companies hosting websites
. This has compelled many such companies to drop their prices as well as increase their services. This is what the majority of these companies has done but a few companies went against the odds. These few companies decided to sell lifetime Web Hosting. The question, which might come to mind, is as to what is PhP Web Hosting paid for life. It is still website hosting but in this type of plan, there are no monthly bills as the webmaster has to pay just once and gets hosting of his website for life.
The major advantage of lifetime PhP Web Hosting is the cost. Although, the one-time initial fee is high, it is still cheaper when the webmaster looks at it in the long run. For if, he opts for regular plan for hosting website then each month he would have to pay, which will definitely add up to more cost then the lifetime Web Hosting package. In addition, lifetime PhP Web Hosting plan guarantees a marked reduction in the overhead maintaining cost of the website, which helps the webmaster to focus his finances on other vital matters such as website advertisement and product development.
Moreover, at times in regular website hosting plans, the webmaster faces service disruption due to payment issues but with PhP web lifetime hosting there are no such problems since it is for life. Furthermore, Lifetime Web Hosting ensures that the webmaster does not have to remove his website from the Internet if he can no longer afford the hosting of his website since it is there for life. The only negative point of lifetime PhP Web Hosting plan is the high one-time payment, which the webmaster has to do. However, when considered that it is for a lifetime then the payment seems to a negligible amount.
A few companies are offering lifetime website hosting services, which might confuse the webmaster as to which website host provider he should select. While selecting the best website host provider, the webmaster should make sure that the provider offers easy upgrading of his account paid on a lifetime basis, affordable one-time fee, and excellent technical support. Furthermore, the provider should also support all those features, which a regular website host provides as well as offer a money back guarantee.
In case, a webmaster is opting for Lifetime Web Hosting then it is advisable not to take a huge plan instantly and instead to go for a low plan. For if in the future, he requires more space then he can upgrade anytime. Another important point to remember is that the webmaster should first contact, the lifetime PhP Web Hosting provider and clarify whatever questions he might have before purchasing a lifetime website hosting package from them.
Thus, just as a regular website hosting has positive and negative sides so does Lifetime Web Hosting. Hence, the webmaster should carefully study the different PhP lifetime hosting plans for websites and choose the one, which suits his requirements in the best way possible.
by: Jennifer Obodo
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What Is Php Web Hosting Paid For Life? Is It Possible And Is Anyone Offering It Yet?