Have you ever pondered this question? I do when I am pushong Kylie around in her pink pram. At first I wondered whether it was a difference between real nappies and disposables but in the end I came to the conclusion that the nappies from babies that are breastfed smell a lot nicer than those from babies fed on instant formula milk which smell absolutely ghastly.
Natural human mother's milk is designed to be taken by a baby at the age that it is. What I mean by that is that the composition of the breast milk changes regularly, even hourly when breastfeeding, as the baby gets older and needs more nutrients. This means that it is always of the correct constituency and contains the right ingredients for baby. Share: The proteins contained in a mother's milk are much easier to be digested. In fact, they actually contain a laxative which means that the nappy fulls more but does not smell as bad. Examining the contents of a breastfed baby's nappy will show mostly water as it digests almost all that is given to it.
Instant formula milk normally derives from cows and contains many more proteins than mother's milk. Nature did not intend it to be taken by human babies so it is not surprising that the reaction is different. There are plenty of people who will not feed their baby with cow's milk or that of any other animal for that matter. It does seem a little unnatural to inter mix the species.
Another challenge is that the proteins given to a one week old baby this way are exactly the same as those given to one a year old. A one week old does not need them all so gets rid of the ones it does not want into their nappy without even digesting them.
Wait though till your baby grows into a toddler and starts to have a more varied diet and then to eat meat. The baby's nappy smells like a bunch of flowers compared to this so it is better not to complain about too much too early.
Changing daipers is just something that all parents have to put up with although a lot of fathers certainly used to get out of it. None of us like the idea but the nappies have to be changed so just get on with it and make the best of it and, if you are using real nappies, just make sure that they are laundered regularly