What Is Babywearing and Why Is It Beneficial?

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Babywearing ties into the type of parenting style referred to as attachment parenting. Babywearing involves holding baby close to you in a sling or wrap for the majority of the day, instead of laying baby down in a cot while one gets on doing things. Essentially, babywearing and putting your child in a sling allows you to keep your baby close but be hands free to continue doing chores or work that you need to get on with. This becomes a win win situation; baby gets to be close to their mother and mummy gets to get on with what she needs to.
Unfortunately using a sling isn't a common practise but in recent years is coming much more popular. Despite the increase in popularity in the Western world, the Western world still holds the viw that babies who are held or carried to often are being spoilt and this will result in a clingy child. The truth is, it is the other way around. Babies who are not held frequently are more likely to feel clingy and insecure. Babies who are held often feel secure and safe. If they wake they feel the warmth and movement of their caregiver and this keeps them settled. A child who wakes to find themselves alone cries and panics. They don't know that they are safe in a cot in a house. The only way that they know they are safe is by being with their mother or a caregiver.
The first 6 months tend to be the most crucial part of sling wearing. In fact this is considered the in-arms phased in which a baby should be carried all the time. Generally a child who is held more often tends to initiate separation earlier and is less likely to feel separation anxiety.

Share: Babywearing and using a baby sling have many benefits. These include:
It reduces crying and fussiness. Babies who are carried more, cry less because they feel safe, secure and warm.
Carrying a baby can help you get in shape. Not only do you get a good cardio workout but you also get weight resistance too that increases over time at a rate you can easily handle.
Wearing your baby enables you to pick up on cues and signals from your baby more quickly and easily. You are also right there to respond instead of waiting to hear your baby cry.
Wearing your baby decreases stress hormones in the baby's blood (as they aren't crying as often and getting panicked by the lack of your presence) making for a content quiet baby.
Babywearing helps babies fall asleep quickly and also sleep for longer and deeper. This is great for both you and baby.
Using a sling also makes breastfeeding easy and discreet.
Using a sling with your baby is a great way to improve your bond and get the most of the first months of your child's life. It is worth trying one out!
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2024-12-4 16:23
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