What Exactly Is Auto Shipping?

Share: Indeed, we all have our treasured vehicle that we groom and take care of; as if it were our pet or perhaps our significant other
. In every way possible we take care of maintaining its appearance and upgrading. So, seeing that most of us have vehicles which we love and need in our daily lives it is imperative to know what goes on in the auto shipping world. In the call for our need to travel abroad or move to a distant location may not actually require worry about being "transportation-less" or having our vehicle hurt in any way. Let's see what we got.
Just What is Auto Shipping?
Basically and simply, it is a method of getting your car from where it is to where you want it to be without driving it yourself. Fortunately, there are many companies that offer the convenient service of doing just that. They have fleets of carriers in all shapes and sizes. One will surely fit your vehicle whether you are relocating domestically or internationally. You can also opt to have your vehicle delivered to your door. If you live in one of those rare municipalities that have a local auto shipping company, good for you. You can walk right in and arrange for shipping with a representative. This is probably not the case, however, there are numerous companies online that offer many services, such as flexible modes of shipping as well as flexible schedules. Most of these companies also pride themselves on their excellent customer service.
Auto Shipping Types

Share: Whether you are transporting a recently purchased vehicle to your current location or are transporting your old friend to a new one, you will need to know what type of shipping carriers are available. There are two main types of carriers.
1. The open vehicle carrier is the most commonly seen and is a great option for most people. It will give your vehicle service at the most economical price. Remember though, that "open" is precisely what it is. You have often seen those huge trucks with their huge trailers rambling down the road with a load of 12 or 14 or more automobiles. One of those vehicles could be yours if you opt for this type of carrier. And, you can see that the disadvantages of this least expensive method is all those other vehicles which can cause yours harm, inclement weather conditions, flying debris, and theft, if not of your car itself, of the GPS, fancy stereo or other electronic gizmos that are dear to you. There is much less chance of any of this occurring if you go for option #2.
2) Enclosed vehicle shipping- is precisely as it sounds. Your vehicle is tucked away safely; protected from debris, exposed elements, and above all else other vehicles. As well as secluded from any robbers who are eyeing your vehicles electronic or outerwear candy. Enclosed shipping typically receives more attention and better care when loading into the carrier. Conversely there two major downsides to enclosed shipping. The price range can range from 25 to 100% more expensive, and the availability with this shipping, seeing that most companies are not participating in this shipping method, can be a challenge.
Now that you know what auto shipping is, and what types are out there, it is time to do your research and figure which is best for you. Good luck!
by: Tom Kearns
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