What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom Tooth Extraction is usually performed by an oral surgeon
. An oral surgeon is a dentist who has been to dental school just like a general dentist, but an oral surgeon has focused their dental studies on tooth extraction and specifically the oral surgery required for wisdom tooth extraction.
One of the main reasons that wisdom tooth extraction requires the attention and skill of an oral surgeon dentist is when there are impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth means that the wisdom teeth haven't erupted from the oral tissue yet. Impacted wisdom teeth means that the wisdom teeth are still under the gums and near the jawbone which means that it will require oral surgery for the complete wisdom tooth extraction.
Why would wisdom tooth extraction be necessary if there are impacted wisdom teeth involved? Wisdom teeth often grow the wrong direction or maybe the oral cavity or jawbone is too small to fit the third molars and so the third molars would cause crowding of the teeth. If the impacted wisdom teeth are growing the wrong direction, wisdom tooth extraction is necessary because the wisdom teeth could grow into the jawbone, another tooth, or a nerve.
Impacted wisdom teeth are much easier to extract than wisdom teeth that have already grown in and caused damage. Wisdom teeth, for example, that have started to wrap their tooth roots around a nerve must be very carefully extracted by a dentist or may not even be extracted at all because of the risk of the wisdom tooth extraction.
Wisdom tooth extraction is usually advised by any dentist, even if the wisdom teeth haven't caused any problems and are still impacted wisdom teeth. The reason is because wisdom tooth extraction is much easier when those third molars are just little teeth buds than when the wisdom teeth have to be cut and drilled away. The other reason is that most third molars, if left in long enough, will cause some kind of dental problem, so wisdom tooth extraction is just best if done while impacted wisdom teeth are still teeth buds below the surface of oral tissue.
Wisdom tooth extraction can be performed on any age though. If those third molars need to be removed, an oral surgeon will find a way for teeth extraction to be done! Wisdom tooth extraction, however, should be done when the dental patient is in good health since wisdom tooth extraction is a surgery.
Tooth extraction aftercare include: 1) Icing the swollen mouth. Usually putting an ice pack on the side of the mouth/the cheek will be cold enough and close enough to ice the third molars area. 2) Rinse your mouth and gargle with salt-water. The purpose of this is to remove any food that could cause bacteria to grow in the wisdom tooth extraction wounds. Rinse your mouth and gargle with salt-water to clean the wisdom tooth extraction wounds also, not just to remove food particles from the back of the mouth. 3) Use your pain-killer as prescribed and only as needed. Some dental patients need less, some need more depending on the dental patient and depending on the extent of the wisdom tooth extraction procedure.
by: Scotty Zuziak
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