What A Holiday Gift Guide Does Not Tell You.

Share: When perusing the Holiday Gift Guide, you may see many suitable gifts
. All the gifts look great and you want to buy them all for the reasons provided. However, you hardly ever see a guide on what not to buy. You may give something with the very best of intentions, but if you give the wrong thing, you may offend the receiver. Take note of the following gift giving mistakes and suggestions on avoiding this awkward situation.
Gifts are given every year to millions of people that are considered as thoughtless gifts. Getting a book when you do not read, or cooking utensils even though you do not cook, or even a bottle of wine knowing that you do not drink will not be memorable. Nobody enjoys receiving gifts he or she will not use. Knowing the hobbies a person enjoys, will make it a lot easier to buy something which they will use.
Certain gift purchasing can be a complicated affair. These gifts include perfumes, shoes or underwear for either men or woman. People have varying tastes when it comes to these items in particular. Stay away from these unless you are intimate enough with that person to know their personal likes and dislikes. Should you want to buy something in the clothing line, then get tops with hoods or a novelty T-shirt. This way if they are not crazy about it, the item can be worn at the house.
Buying something for someone who is an expert on a certain topic is also not good, since they may already have all the videos and books on that topic. Rather keep to only buying it if you know the person wants that specific item.

Share: Although gadgets usually make a good gift especially for teenagers, remember that there are a lot of worthless gadgets out there. Buy things like hands free sets and cell phone pockets that are generic. This will be of good use and will help you avoid the worthless gadgets out there.
When buying gifts, we usually have good intentions. However, those very intentions can really cause great embarrassment. Buying an overweight sister a subscription to a gym, a diet supplement or diet book will ruin your relationship. Personal development tapes, books and videos are unsuitable for someone who is not financially successful.
Last minute gifts are almost as bad as thoughtless gifts. If you are truly unsure as to what you should give, purchase a gift card to a Holiday Gift Guide brochure, shopping mall or a store that offers various items under one roof. That way they get to choose what they like. This will save you both a lot of embarrassment.
by: MaryJo Braun
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What A Holiday Gift Guide Does Not Tell You. Atlanta