Wedding insurance is a smart way to protect your preparations on your special day
Wedding liability insurance is very often an unknown resource that can be utilized during a catastrophe
. For instance, say that the caterers you have chosen to host the food portion of the reception have all of a sudden declared bankruptcy without forewarning you or offering any refunds. Having wedding insurance policies for this type of situation could save you from losing all your money should this ever happen. Also, what would you do if the bride has accidently torn a large hole in the front of the dress on a nail sticking from her home? Many bridal stores do not offer refunds once you purchase a wedding dress, so if this ever happens, you could be five thousand dollars in debt with nothing to show for it. The best wedding insurance available will generally be affordable within a range of one to several hundred dollars. This is a wise investment considering all the planning and effort you took to make your special day the greatest ever.
Wedding insurance is a smart way to protect your preparations on your special day