Wedding Insurance? Forget It, The Odds Are Almost In Your Favour
Wedding Insurance? Forget It, The Odds Are Almost In Your Favour
You don't really need wedding insurance at all, because there is a little known statistic which insurance companies tend to keep to themselves. The truth is that last year there were over a quarter of a million weddings in the UK, and out of those, how many weddings in the UK had something go so horribly wrong that the couple in question needed to rely upon their wedding insurance policy to help them out?
What the insurance companies won't tell you is that almost half of the weddings which took place last year, that's around 125,000, went so smoothly that there was absolutely no need to worry about wedding insurance.
That's right, on average only half of the weddings in the UK last year would have needed to rely their wedding insurance policy (if they had one), meaning that the reality is that when it comes to your wedding, you have at least a 50% chance of having nothing to worry about.
So if you are having your wedding, and someone you know is having their wedding, the probability exists that you will have nothing to worry about at all, and that the 50% of the weddings that will require some form of insurance will be your friend's, not yours.
After all, it's your wedding, your special day, and you've only invited friends and family who you get on with. What could possibly go wrong at your wedding? Almost certainly the 125,000 weddings last year which experienced some form of disaster that ended up with possibly the insurance company having to pay out were almost certainly doomed from the very start.
Disasters and problems happen to other people. That's what newspapers, magazines and the news are all for - reading about the disastrous experiences of other people.
So with the insurance companies staying ominously quiet about the fact that only half of the weddings in the UK actually had to rely on the insurance company getting them through one disaster or another, you might as well stop worrying about your wedding, and stop worrying about wedding insurance.
It's also worth remembering that a wedding insurance policy could easily cost 20, and that's almost the price of another bottle of wine on the table your reception. 20 could go a long way towards making your wedding extra special, and so it's hardly worth worrying about wasting a couple of tenners protecting your wedding, when 125,000 of them went perfectly smoothly last year without any need for insurance.
So if you have been wondering whether or not to take out an insurance policy for your wedding, take these statistics to heart and realise that you have at least a 50-50 chance of not needing an insurance policy at all.
Of course, if you're still a little uncertain about the whole idea, and you're prepared to throw away 20 or so protecting your 20,000 wedding, then by all means take out a wedding insurance policy. You may simply feel that the 50-50 chance of needing to rely on a wedding insurance policy is good enough for you, in which case you may find it of interest to look around at the many wedding insurance policies currently available.
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